A simple ARM simulator for teaching purposes.
Every semester new students are enrolled in the course of Computer Architecture I at University of Lavras. Such students may be in contact with GitHub for the first time. Since version control is a subject out of the scope of the course, we adopt the following roles for this repository:
- The repository is public and accepts fork
- Each class offer must be identified by an ID with the following template: turmaYYYYS_CCC, where YYYY is the four digit year, S is the semester in the year (1 or 2) and CCC is a 3-character code for the class. As example, turma20201_10A is for class 10A in the first semester of 2020, and turma20202_22A is for class 22A in the second semester of 2020.
- For each class offer, a branch is created, whose name is the ID of the class offer. Every class offer has the purpose to evolve armethyst by executing incremental activities to its implementation.
- The students must organize themselves in teams, and each team will fork this repository and work on its class offer's respective branch.
No pull requests are accepted.