
Vue sunburst component based on D3.js

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub open issues Npm version MIT License

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Vue.D3.Sunburst provides a reusable vue sunburst charts component relying on D3.js.

Sunburst is the main component of this library and display sunburst chart based on data props using children property for hierarchy, name property for naming and size property for arcs size.

Sunburst component provides three optional slots:

  • legend and top slots are intended to be used to display additional information such as legend
  • default slot is intended to receive renderless component providing behavior: for example, highlighting on mouse over or zoom on click

Components providing standard and reusable features are provided.


  • Reactive to data changes
  • Responsive to size changes
  • Customizable with slot or exposed methods and events
  • Zoomable


npm i vue-d3-sunburst


<sunburst :data="data">

  <!-- Add behaviors -->
  <template slot-scope="{ nodes, actions }">
    <highlightOnHover :nodes="nodes" :actions="actions" />
    <zoomOnClick :nodes="nodes" :actions="actions" />

  <!-- Add information to be displayed on top the graph -->
  <nodeInfoDisplayer slot="top" slot-scope="{ nodes }" :current="nodes.mouseOver" :root="nodes.root" description="of visits begin with this sequence of pages" />

  <!-- Add bottom legend -->
  <breadcrumbTrail slot="legend" slot-scope="{ nodes, colorGetter, width }" :current="nodes.mouseOver" :root="nodes.root" :colorGetter="colorGetter" :from="nodes.clicked" :width="width" />

import {
} from 'vue-d3-sunburst';
import "vue-d3-sunburst/dist/vue-d3-sunburst.css";

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return { 
      tree:  {
      "name": "flare",
        "children": [
            "name": "analytics",
            "children": [
                "name": "cluster",
                "children": [
                  { "name": "AgglomerativeCluster", "size": 3938 },
                  { "name": "CommunityStructure", "size": 3812 },
                  { "name": "HierarchicalCluster", "size": 6714 },
                  { "name": "MergeEdge", "size": 743 }
                "name": "graph",
                "children": [
                  { "name": "BetweennessCentrality", "size": 3534 },
                  { "name": "LinkDistance", "size": 5731 },
                  { "name": "MaxFlowMinCut", "size": 7840 },
                  { "name": "ShortestPaths", "size": 5914 },
                  { "name": "SpanningTree", "size": 3416 }
                "name": "optimization",
                "children": [
                  { "name": "AspectRatioBanker", "size": 7074 }


This component is responsive and will adjust to resizing. In order for this to work properly, you must define for this component or its parent wether:

  • a height or a max-height
  • or a width or a max-width.

Failing to do so may result in a component whose size that will keep increasing.




  • legend Use this slot to add information on top or bottom of the graph

  • top Use this slot to add information on top of the graph

  • default Use this slot to add behaviors to the sunburst


  • data Object (optional)

    Sunburst data where children property is a array containing children.

  • color-scheme String (optional) default: provided by injected defaultSchemeColor with a fall back to schemeAccent

    D3 color scheme to be used.

  • get-category-for-color Function (optional) default: 'useNameForColor'

    Function used to map an item and its color. (nodeD3: Object) => category: Number | String By default use the node name

  • min-angle-displayed Number (optional) default: 0.005

    Minimal arc angle to be displayed (in radian).

  • arc-identification Function (optional) default: 'recursiveName'

    Function used to identify an arc, will be used during graph updates. (nodeD3: Object) => id: String

  • in-animation-duration Number (optional) default: 100

    Duration for in animation in milliseconds

  • out-animation-duration Number (optional) default: 1000

    Duration for out animation in milliseconds


  • mouseOverNode

    Fired when mouse is over a sunburst node.


    • value Object - {node, sunburst} The corresponding node and sunburst component
  • clickNode

    Fired when sunburst node is clicked.


    • value Object - {node, sunburst} The corresponding node and sunburst component


  • highlightPath(node, opacity)

    Highlight the arc path leading to a given node.


    • node Object - the D3 node to highlight
    • opacity Number - opacity of the none highlighted nodes, default to 0.3
  • zoomToNode(node)

    Zoom to a given node.


    • node Object - the D3 node to zoom to.
  • resetHighlight()

    Reset the highlighted path

Other optional components provided as slot implementation

Besides sunburst component, Vue.D3.Sunburst provides additional optional components that can be used out of the box as slot implementations. There are two kinds of additional components:

  • the "renderfull" components provide visual additional visual information on the nodes. They can be used as legend or top slots.
  • the renderless components provide predefined behaviors for the sunburst components. They can be used as default slots. It is possible to combine behavior using a root template slot element as in the example.

"Renderfull" components


Breadcrumb trail component displaying path between root node and current node. Can be used as a legend slot of sunburst component.

  • root Object (optional)

    Root node

  • current Object (optional)

    Current node

  • from Object (optional)

    Reference node, parents nodes of the current will have an opacity below 1

  • color-getter Function (required)

    ColorGetter exposed by sunburst

  • width Number (optional)

    Sunburst width

  • order Number (optional) default: 1

    Css Order. If 1 the slot is displayed below the sunburst, if 0 the slot is displayed on top the sunburst

  • item-width Number (optional) default: 80

    Bread crumb item width

  • item-height Number (optional) default: 30

    Bread crumb item height

  • spacing Number (optional) default: 3

    Spacing between breadcrumb items

  • tail-width Number (optional) default: 10

    With of tailing element


Component that display the percentage value of the current node relative to root. Can be used as a "top" slot of sunburst component.

  • root Object (optional)

    Root node

  • current Object (optional)

    Current node

  • clicked Object (optional)

    Clicked node

  • description String (required)

    Text to be displayed

  • show-all-number Boolean (optional) default: true

    Show fraction format of size if true

computed properties
  • percentage

    dependencies: current, root, current, base

  • displayPercentage

    dependencies: percentage

  • show

    dependencies: percentage


These components can be used as a default slot of the sunburst component which received as attributes:

  • nodes which is an object containing the attributes:

    • root: the graph root node
    • clicked: the last clicked node or null
    • mouseOver: the last node that received a mouse-over event or null if the mouse leaves the graph
    • zoomed: the zoomed node
    • highlighted: the highlighted node
  • actions which is an object containing the attributes:

    • highlightPath: function that takes a node and highlight the path going from the root to the given node
    • zoomToNode: function that takes a node and zoom to the corresponding node
    • resetHighlight: function that resets the highlighting


Renderless component providing the zoom on click behavior. Can be used as a default slot of sunburst component.

  • nodes Object (optional)

    Sunburst nodes. Typically provided by sunburst default slot.

  • actions Object (required)

    Sunburst actions. Typically provided by sunburst default slot.


Renderless component providing path highlighting on mouse over behavior. Can be used as a default slot of sunburst component.

  • nodes Object (optional)

    Sunburst nodes. Typically provided by sunburst default slot.

  • actions Object (required)

    Sunburst nodes. Typically provided by sunburst default slot.


npm install vue-d3-sunburst

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