
Grav CMS plugin to provide server-side syntax highlighting using the [highlight.php](https://github.com/scrivo/highlight.php) library

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Highlight PHP Plugin

The Highlight PHP Plugin is an extension for Grav CMS that provides server-side syntax highlighting (i.e., without JavaScript) using the highlight.php library.


Installing the Highlight PHP plugin can be done in one of three ways: The GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method lets you quickly install the plugin with a simple terminal command, the manual method lets you do so via a zip file, and the admin method lets you do so via the Admin Plugin.

GPM Installation (Preferred)

To install the plugin via the GPM, through your system's terminal (also called the command line), navigate to the root of your Grav-installation, and enter:

bin/gpm install highlight-php

This will install the Highlight PHP plugin into your /user/plugins-directory within Grav. Its files can be found under /your/site/grav/user/plugins/highlight-php.

Manual Installation

To install the plugin manually, download the zip-version of this repository and unzip it under /your/site/grav/user/plugins. Then rename the folder to highlight-php. You can find these files on GitHub or via GetGrav.org.

You should now have all the plugin files under


NOTE: This plugin is a modular component for Grav requires the shortcode core plugin operate, please see its blueprints.yaml-file on GitHub.

Admin Plugin

If you use the Admin Plugin, you can install the plugin directly by browsing the Plugins-menu and clicking on the Add button.


Before configuring this plugin, you should copy the user/plugins/highlight-php/highlight-php.yaml to user/config/plugins/highlight-php.yaml and only edit that copy.

Here is the default configuration and an explanation of available options:

enabled: true             # turn the plugin on or off -- controls hl shortcode processing
style: default            # basename of the active CSS filename that's included with the plugin
customStyle: None         # basename of the active CSS filename in /user/data/highlight-php
assetLoading: 'site-wide' # add selected syntax highlighting CSS on all pages

By setting style or customStyle to 'None', that CSS will not be loaded in the asset pipeline.

Custom styles, if loaded, always load after the built-in styles, allowing for tweaks/overrides to built-in themes (because of the cascade in CSS).

When initialized for the first time, the plugin writes a one-rule demo CSS file (exampleOverrideCursiveFont.css) to the /user/data/highlight-php directory, to make it easy for new users to see how an override works.

.hljs { font-family: cursive; }

The assetLoading property: per-page overrides

By default, the selected CSS stylesheet(s) will be loaded on every page as part of the CSS pipeline, but can still be turned off on a per-page basis.

By changing the assetLoading strategy to per page, the CSS stylesheets will not be loaded by default, although the hl shortcode will still be registered and processed. To get syntax highlighting using this per page strategy, you'll need to enable the asset loading on whichever pages you'd like your pretty code snippets to be rendered.

To facilitate toggling this setting using the Normal mode of the default editor, this plugin ships with a blueprint that extends the default blueprint, which adds a section under the Options tab, below Taxonomies.

Note that if you use the Admin Plugin, a file with your configuration named highlight-php.yaml will be saved in the user/config/plugins/-folder once the configuration is saved in the Admin.


Install & enable the plugin; select one of the builtin themes or add your own to the /user/data/highlight-php directory. The plugin works globally; currently no page-level frontmatter overrides are supported.

Only explicit mode is supported; this is by design.

To enter an inline, syntax-highlighted code snippet, use a self-closing shortcode, where the BbCode value is a supported language name (or an alias), and the code parameter is the snippet to be parsed.

For example: this paragraph, with the raw forms of [hl=javascript code="console.log('hello')"] and [hl=js code="console.log('hello')"] renders (using the default style) as follows:

Screenshot of default theme inline syntax-highlighted JavaScript snippets

To enter a block-level, syntax-highlighted code snippet, use paired shortcodes passing a supported language name (or alias) as the BbCode value, and the content between the tags is your content. For example, to render, with syntax highlighting, a snippet on JavaScript class declarations taken from the MDN documentation, you could enter:

class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;

and get back:

Screenshot of default theme block syntax-highlighted JavaScript snippet


This plugin wouldn't be possible with the great work of:

To Do

  • Maybe add a CLI