- 0
undefined method `include?'
#35 opened by cao7113 - 1
ActionMailer instrumentation
#30 opened by iaintshine - 1
Use of OpenTracing.global_tracer.active_span ?
#33 opened by nuclearnic - 0
For debug purposes instrument chain of middlewares
#29 opened by iaintshine - 0
React on ActionController events
#13 opened by iaintshine - 0
Instrument ActionCable
#28 opened by iaintshine - 0
ActiveJob instrumentation
#11 opened by iaintshine - 0
ActionView rendering instrumentation
#12 opened by iaintshine - 1
- 1
Find a way to propagate context in fetch
#7 opened by iaintshine - 1
Test with multiple Rails versions 3.2+
#16 opened by iaintshine - 1
- 1
Handle exceptions in the subscribers
#8 opened by iaintshine - 1
Start maintaining
#15 opened by iaintshine - 1
- 1