KingsWealths Entertainment Official Website

KingsWealths Entertainment is simple static entertainment company website built using PHP Laravel framework.


Check how it looks like by following the link (


You can install and use KingsWealths Entertainment as a boilerplate:

Clone KingsWealths Repo into your local machine: and run composer install in your command line.

$ git clone

CD into the directory

$ cd kingswealths

Copy .env.example to .env

$ cp .env.example .env

Then run in your command line. If you don't have composer already installed in your system, do download and installed Composer.

$ composer install

Generate a new key for the project

$ php artisan key:generate

Setup GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA 2 with this tutorial on their repo





There are two ways to run kingswealths

Running your app

After kingswealths has installed, you can run it by using the built-in PHP server. Navigate to the root folder and run the below command:

$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public

Going to http://localhost:8000/ will now display your default Homepage.

Wamp, LAMP, XAMP or Laragon server

Otherwise, you can just put it in your wamp/www, xamp/htdocs, or lragon/www folder and access it by visiting the url on your browser localhost/your-kingswealths-folder/public

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