
Ferrofluid-like animation for audio waveforms

MIT LicenseMIT


Ferrofluid-like animation for audio waveforms


Modified source from http://paperjs.org/

var width, height, center;
var points = 7;
var smooth = true;
var path = new Path();
var mousePos = view.center/2;
var pathHeight = mousePos.y;
path.fillColor = 'black';

function initializePath() {
	center = view.center;
	width = view.size.width/2;
	height = view.size.height/1.5 ;
	path.segments = [];
	for (var i = 1; i < points; i++) {
		var point = new Point(width / points * i, center.y);
	path.fullySelected = true;

function onFrame(event) {
	pathHeight += (center.y - mousePos.y - pathHeight) / 10;
	for (var i = 1; i < points; i++) {
		var sinSeed = event.count + (i + i % 10) * 100;
		var sinHeight = Math.sin(sinSeed / 200) * pathHeight;
		var yPos = Math.sin(sinSeed / 100) * sinHeight + height;
		path.segments[i].point.y = yPos;
	if (smooth)
		path.smooth({ type: 'continuous' });

function onMouseMove(event) {
	mousePos = event.point;

function onMouseDown(event) {
	smooth = !smooth;
	if (!smooth) {
		// If smooth has been turned off, we need to reset
		// the handles of the path:
		for (var i = 0, l = path.segments.length; i < l; i++) {
			var segment = path.segments[i];
			segment.handleIn = segment.handleOut = null;

// Reposition the path whenever the window is resized:
function onResize(event) {