To install cd to RudeChat3 folder where the .toml is && run the installer for your OS.
It will pip install all needed libraries and then RudeChat3.
Right click anywhere to open and edit the config.
RudeIRC assumes conf.server.rude is available and configed properly:
For assistance find me on
Config Example:
file name: conf.libera.rude
server_name = Libera
nickname = Rude
server =
auto_join_channels = ##rudechat
nickserv_password = password
port = 6697
ssl_enabled = True
font_family = Hack
font_size = 10
sasl_enabled = False
sasl_username = Rude
sasl_password = password
password can be replaced with your nick's password to auto-auth with nickserv.
to use ssl or not you can designate by port: no ssl: 6667 yes ssl: 6697
ssl_enabled = False needs port 6667
ssl_enabled = True needs port 6697(usually)
sasl_enabled will use SASL to authenticate if SASL is available. Default is False - must be enabled.