
AirBnB clone - The console

Primary LanguagePython

AirBnB Console Project

The logo This is the start of all the AirBnb clone work. Where we make a console to interact with the system,

##Project's Concepts +Unittest - and please work all together on tests cases -Python packages concept page -Serialization/Deserialization -*args, **kwargs +datetime -More coming soon!

Base Class Containing all the attributes and methods to be inherited from

Contains a base class that forms the basis for all models, attributes and methods to be added in the project.

Files and Directories


This directory will contain all classes used for the entire project. A class, called “model” in a OOP project is the representation of an object/instance.


This directory will contain all unit tests.


This file is the entry point of our command interpreter.

How the Console works

$ ./console.py
(hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit

(hbnb) quit
$ echo "help" | ./console.py

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./console.py

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit


This file is the base class of all our models. It contains common elements: -attributes: id, created_at and updated_at +methods: save() and to_json()


This directory will contain all storage classes (using the same prototype). For the moment you will have only one: file_storage.py

Description of the command interpreter

Command Description
quit Quits the console
Ctrl+D Quits the console
help or help Displays all commands or Displays instructions for a specific command
create Creates an object of type , saves it to a JSON file, and prints the objects ID
show Shows string representation of an object
destroy Deletes an objects
all or all Prints all string representations of all objects or Prints all string representations of all objects of a specific class
update "" Updates an object with a certain attribute (new or existing)
.all() Same as all
.count() Retrieves the number of objects of a certain class
.show() Same as show
.destroy() Same as destroy
.update(, , Same as update
.update(, ) Update objects based on a dictionary representation of attribute names and values