Welcome to the ALX System Engineering & DevOps repository. This repository serves as the main hub for various sub-repositories, each containing scripts and resources related to system administration, automation, and DevOps practices.
This repository is organized into sub-repositories, each focusing on specific topics related to system engineering, automation, and DevOps practices. Explore the sub-repositories to access program scripts and additional resources.
Please select a sub-repository to explore program scripts and resources:
0x00-shell_basics: Basic shell commands and scripting.
0x01-shell_permissions: Shell permissions and user management.
0x02-shell_redirections: Shell I/O redirection and scripting.
0x03-shell_variables_expansions: Shell variables, expansions, and scripting.
0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing: Shell scripting with loops, conditions, and parsing.
0x05-processes_and_signals: Managing processes and signals.
0x06-regular_expressions: Regular expressions in shell scripting.
0x07-networking_basics: Basics of networking.
0x08-networking_basics_2: More networking concepts.
0x09-web_infrastructure_design: Web infrastructure design.
0x0A-configuration_management: Configuration management tools.
0x0B-ssh: SSH and secure communication.
0x0C-web_server: Web servers and deployment.
0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0: Debugging web stacks.
0x0F-load_balancer: Load balancing concepts.
0x10-https_ssl: HTTPS and SSL/TLS.
0x13-firewall: Firewall configuration.
0x14-mysql: MySQL database management.
0x15-api: Working with APIs.
0x16-api_advanced: Advanced API usage.
0x17-web_stack_debugging_3: Advanced web stack debugging.
0x18-webstack_monitoring: Web stack monitoring.
0x19. Postmortem: Postmortem reports and analysis.
0x1A. Application Server: Application server configurations and scripting.
0x1B. Web Stack Debugging 4: Advanced web stack debugging.
Command Line for the Win!: Command line scripting challenges.
Please explore each sub-repository for detailed program scripts and resources.
To use the scripts and resources in a specific sub-repository, navigate to that sub-repository's directory and follow the instructions provided in its README or documentation.
Contributions to this repository and its sub-repositories are welcome. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:
Fork the repository or the specific sub-repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b my-feature
Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
Commit your changes with clear descriptions.
Push your branch to your fork:
git push origin my-feature
Create a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
This project and its sub-repositories are licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in each sub-repository for details.
- Kevin Mwongera: email