
A case study performed on fictitious customer data from DVD Rental Co as a part of the Serious SQL course by Danny Ma

Primary LanguageSQL

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Marketing Campaigns Case Study

A case study performed on fictitious customer data from DVD Rental Co as a part of the Serious SQL course by Danny Ma.

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Table of Contents πŸ“–

🚨 Problem Statement

The customer analytics team at DVD Rental Co has asked for our help with generating the necessary data points required to populate specific parts of this first-ever customer email campaign. Personalized customer emails based off marketing analytics is a winning formula for many digital companies, and this is exactly the initiative that the leadership team at DVD Rental Co has decided to tackle!

βš™οΈ Requirements

The marketing team have shared with us a draft of the email they wish to send to their customers. Take a look at the expected final product, before we dive into the specific requirements.

Requiremment 1: Top 2 Categories

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For each customer, we need to identify the top 2 categories for each customer based off their past rental history. These top categories will drive marketing creative images as seen in the sci-fi and rom-com examples in the draft email.

Requirement 2: Category Film Recommendations

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The marketing team has also requested for the 3 most popular films for each customer’s top 2 categories .

There is a catch though - we cannot recommend a film which the customer has already viewed.

If there are less than 3 films available - marketing is happy to show at least 1 film.

πŸ’‘ Any customer which do not have any film recommendations for either category must be flagged out so the marketing team can exclude from the email campaign - this is of high importance!

Requirements 3 & 4: Individual Customer Insights

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The number of films watched by each customer in their top 2 categories is required as well as some specific insights.

For the 1st category, the marketing requires the following insights (requirement 3):

How many total films have they watched in their top category? How many more films has the customer watched compared to the average DVD Rental Co customer? How does the customer rank in terms of the top X% compared to all other customers in this film category?

For the second ranking category (requirement 4):

How many total films has the customer watched in this category? What proportion of each customer’s total films watched does this count make?

πŸ’‘ Note the specific rounding of the percentages with 0 decimal places!

Reuirement 5: Favorite Actor Recommendations

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Along with the top 2 categories, marketing has also requested top actor film recommendations where up to 3 more films are included in the recommendations list as well as the count of films by the top actor.

We have been given guidance by marketing to choose the actors in alphabetical order should there be any ties - i.e. if the customer has seen 5 Brad Pitt films vs 5 George Clooney films - Brad Pitt will be chosen instead of George Clooney.

The same logical business rules apply - in addition any films that have already been recommended in the top 2 categories must not be included as actor recommendations.

If the customer doesn’t have at least 1 film recommendation - they also need to be flagged with a separate actor exclusion flag.

πŸ”­ Exploratory Data Analysis

The primary step to any data analysis is to first understand the data. The folks at DVD Rental Co. have given us 7 tables to work with. We must be able to derive as much information from these individual tables before deciding what type of joins can be used to obtain a final table that'll help us get answers.


πŸ” Data Joining

View Summary πŸ‘‡

EDA Re-Cap

Data Mapping Journey

SNo Start End Join On
Step 1 rental inventory inventory_id
Step 2 inventory film film_id
Step 3 film film_category film_id
Step 4 film_category category category_id

We lastly identified key columns and all the tables that will provide us with these details. It is natural to face a dilemma about what kind of join to use in order to retain only the data that is important to us. Is it going to be a left-join or an inner-join ? Let's try to tackle these questions and truly find the purpose of our joins..


πŸ“– SQL Problem Solving

Data Join Re-Cap πŸ‘‡

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS complete_joint_dataset;
CREATE TEMP TABLE complete_joint_dataset AS
 category.name AS category_name
FROM dvd_rentals.rental
INNER JOIN dvd_rentals.inventory
 ON rental.inventory_id = inventory.inventory_id
INNER JOIN dvd_rentals.film
 ON inventory.film_id = film.film_id
INNER JOIN dvd_rentals.film_category
 ON film.film_id = film_category.film_id
INNER JOIN dvd_rentals.category
 ON film_category.category_id = category.category_id;

SELECT * FROM complete_joint_dataset limit 2;
Customer_Id Film_Id Title category_id category
130 80 BLANKET BEVERLY 8 Family
459 333 FREAKY POCUS 12 Music


🐣 Final Outputs

We are looking into customer_id = 1 rental insights to generate an e-mail template.

Top 2 Categories
Customer_Id category_name rental_count category_rank
1 Classics 6 1
1 Comedy 5 2
Category Insights

First Category Insights

Customer_Id category_name rental_count average_comparison percentile
1 Classics 6 4 1

Second Category Insights

Customer_Id category_name rental_count total_percentage
1 Comedy 5 16
Category Recommendations
Customer_Id category_name category_rank film_id title rental_count reco_rank
1 Classics 1 891 Timberland Sky 31 1
1 Classics 1 358 Gilmore Boiled 31 2
1 Classics 1 951 Voyage Legally 28 3
1 Comedy 2 1000 Zorro Ark 31 1
1 Comedy 2 127 Cat Coneheads 30 2
1 Comedy 2 638 Operation Operation 27 3
Top Actor
Customer Id Actor Id First Name Last Name Rental Count
Actor Recommendations
Customer_Id first_name last_name rental_count title film_id actor_id reco_rank
1 Val Bolger 6 Primary Glass 697 37 1
1 Val Bolger 6 Alaska Phantom 12 37 2
1 Val Bolger 6 Metropolis Coma 572 37 3

Final e-mail template!

Drumroll please

Here's what's waiting for the customer!

Β© Akshaya Parthasarathy, 2021

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