
A fun SQL challenge mixed with a classic whodunnit created by Knight Lab from Northwestern University

Primary LanguageSQL

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🚨 SQL Murder Mystery

A fun SQL challenge mixed with a classic whodunnit created by Knight Lab from Northwestern University

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📁 Case Files

🔎 Elementary, Dear Watson

There's been a murder in SQL CITY!

A crime has occurred, a murderer is on the loose, and a detective needs our SQL expertise. We have access to the police department's database and one clue.

💡 The crime was a murder that occurred sometime on Jan.15, 2018 and that it took place in SQL City.

Let's put on our thinking caps, and get aborad the mystery train!

📝 Crime Scene Report

The SQLCity Police Department's database looks a little something like this,


Based on the schema above and the clue given, we will start oour investigation by fetchin the crime scene report

SELECT * from crime_scene_report WHERE type='murder' and date=20180115 
and city='SQL City';
Data Type Description City
20180115 murder Security footage shows that there were 2 witnesses. The first witness lives at the last house on "Northwestern Dr". The second witness, named Annabel, lives somewhere on "Franklin Ave". SQL City

The address clues leads us to the person table which has the column address.

SELECT * from person 
WHERE address_street_name='Franklin Ave' and name like 'Annabel%';
id name license_id address_number address_street_name ssn
16371 Annabel Miller 490173 103 Franklin Ave 318771143
SELECT * from person 
WHERE address_street_name='Northwestern Dr' order by address_number DESC;
id name license_id address_number address_street_name ssn
14887 Morty Schapiro 118009 4919 Northwestern Dr 111564949

Two leads!

Let's explore their interviews to find out if they know something!

👩🏼‍🦳 Witness Interview #1

SELECT * FROM interview WHERE person_id=16371

Annabel Franklin Says:

I saw the murder happen, and I recognized the killer from my gym when I was working out last week on January the 9th.

🧑🏾‍🦱 Witness Interview #2

SELECT * FROM interview WHERE person_id=14887

Morty Schapiro Says:

I heard a gunshot and then saw a man run out. He had a "Get Fit Now Gym" bag. The membership number on the bag started with "48Z". Only gold members have those bags. The man got into a car with a plate that included "H42W"

🛵 Following Our Leads

We're getting warmer and the name of the killer probably lies in the two tables related to the Get Fit Now gyms.

First let's explore the timings that Anabel was working out on the 9th of January when she spotted the murderer.

SELECT * FROM get_fit_now_member WHERE person_id=16371
id person_id name membership_start_date membership_status
90081 16371 Annabel Miller 20160208 gold
SELECT * FROM get_fit_now_check_in WHERE membership_id = '90081'

Annabel's checkin & checkout times are: 1600 to 1700

Using this knowledge along with the second witness statement,

SELECT * FROM get_fit_now_check_in WHERE check_in_date = 20180109 
and membership_id like '48Z%'
membership_id check_in_date check_in_time check_out_time
48Z7A 20180109 1600 1730
48Z55 20180109 1530 1700
SELECT * FROM get_fit_now_member WHERE id='48Z7A'

28819 Joe Germuska

SELECT * FROM get_fit_now_member WHERE id='48Z55'

67318 Jeremy Bowers

We have two suspects and the only way to narrow down is to verify the license plates as well.

📌 Finding The Killer

We can narrow down the suspect by using our Witness #2's statement.

get_fit_now_member AS t2
ON t1.id = t2.person_id
drivers_license AS t3
ON t1.license_id = t3.id
t2.id LIKE '48Z%'
t3.plate_number LIKE '%H42W%'

So the only person with a 48Z GOLD membership & a license plate that includes H42W is

id name id membership_status plate_number
67318 Jeremy Bowers 48Z55 gold 0H42W2

🥳 We've found our killer! Let's confirm!

INSERT INTO solution VALUES (1, 'Jeremy Bowers');
        SELECT value FROM solution;

Congrats, you found the murderer! But wait, there's more... If you think you're up for a challenge, try querying the interview transcript of the murderer to find the real villain behind this crime. If you feel especially confident in your SQL skills, try to complete this final step with no more than 2 queries. Use this same INSERT statement with your new suspect to check your answer.

⏰ The Plot Thickens

So Jeremy was only a puppet in the hands of the real criminal. Let's find out what he says in his witness statement to get some clues!

select * from interview WHERE person_id = 67318

Jeremy says:

I was hired by a woman with a lot of money. I don't know her name but I know she's around 5'5" (65") or 5'7" (67"). She has red hair and she drives a Tesla Model S. I know that she attended the SQL Symphony Concert 3 times in December 2017.

So many clues, all that's left to do is find the mastermind.

💡 A Study in Red

Jeremy's clues have led us to performing an advance join with multiple tables.

FROM person AS t1 
INNER JOIN drivers_license AS t2
ON t1.license_id = t2.id
INNER JOIN income AS t3
ON t1.ssn = t3.ssn
INNER JOIN facebook_event_checkin AS t4
ON t1.id = t4.person_id
t2.hair_color='red' AND
t2.gender='female' AND
t2.car_make='Tesla' AND
t2.car_model='Model S'
id name ssn annual_income event_name date
99716 Miranda Priestly 987756388 310000 SQL Symphony Concert 20171206
99716 Miranda Priestly 987756388 310000 SQL Symphony Concert 20171212
99716 Miranda Priestly 987756388 310000 SQL Symphony Concert 20171229

Our query lets us know that Miranda Priestly is a wealthy woman with red hair and a Tesla Model S, who has been to te SQL Symphony Concert thrice in December, just like Jeremy said.

Looks like somebody forgot to cover their tracks up.

INSERT INTO solution VALUES (1, 'Miranda Priestly');
        SELECT value FROM solution;

Congrats, you found the brains behind the murder! Everyone in SQL City hails you as the greatest SQL detective of all time. Time to break out the champagne! 🍾

© Akshaya Parthasarathy, 2021

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