This application was generated using JHipster 6.10.4, you can find documentation and help at
Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine:
- Node.js: We use Node to run a development web server and build the project. Depending on your system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-packaged bundle.
After installing Node, you should be able to run the following command to install development tools. You will only need to run this command when dependencies change in package.json.
npm install
We use npm scripts and Webpack as our build system.
Run the following command to create a blissful development experience where your browser auto-refreshes when files change on your hard drive.
npm start
Npm is also used to manage CSS and JavaScript dependencies used in this application. You can upgrade dependencies by
specifying a newer version in package.json. You can also run npm update
and npm install
to manage dependencies.
Add the help
flag on any command to see how you can use it. For example, npm help update
The npm run
command will list all of the scripts available to run for this project.
JHipster ships with PWA (Progressive Web App) support, and it's turned off by default. One of the main components of a PWA is a service worker.
The service worker initialization code is commented out by default. To enable it, uncomment the following code in src/main/webapp/index.html
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('./service-worker.js').then(function () {
console.log('Service Worker Registered');
Note: Workbox powers JHipster's service worker.
It dynamically generates the service-worker.js
For example, to add Leaflet library as a runtime dependency of your application, you would run following command:
npm install --save --save-exact leaflet
To benefit from TypeScript type definitions from DefinitelyTyped repository in development, you would run following command:
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @types/leaflet
Then you would import the JS and CSS files specified in library's installation instructions so that Webpack knows about them: Note: There are still a few other things remaining to do for Leaflet that we won't detail here.
For further instructions on how to develop with JHipster, have a look at Using JHipster in development.
Unit tests are run by Jest and written with Jasmine. They're located in src/test/javascript/ and can be run with:
npm test
For more information, refer to the Running tests page.
Sonar is used to analyse code quality. You can start a local Sonar server (accessible on http://localhost:9001) with:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/sonar.yml up -d
You can run a Sonar analysis with using the sonar-scanner.
Then, run a Sonar analysis:
npm run sonar
For more information, refer to the Code quality page.
To configure CI for your project, run the ci-cd sub-generator (jhipster ci-cd
), this will let you
generate configuration files for a number of Continuous Integration systems.
Consult the Setting up Continuous Integration page for more information.