
Sample app showcasing usage of GwtBootstrap3

Primary LanguageJava

Sample Web App For GwtBootstrap3 & GWT

Has everything that you need to get started with GwtBootstrap3 and GWT.

This web app was created with IntellijIdea, so I committed and shared the files for Idea.

Working with Intellij IDEA

  • Fork the project
  • The run configs for WebApp (NonSDM) and WebApp (SDM) should be there already.
  • For Traditional Dev Mode, use the NonSDM run config and it should load properly.
  • For Super Dev Mode, first run the config marked 'Run 1st' that starts up the code server (Go to the URL provided from the output and put the two bookmarks in your bar), next run the config marked 'Run 2nd' to load the app. Copy the URL that is given and remove everything after and including the ? in the URL. Go to that URL, then click the 'Dev Mode On' bookmark. You are now in SDM :)
