Here is a compilation of videos, articles, blogs and materials inteded to prepare the SCND certification exam.
Disclaimer All the material compiled here was oriented to successfully obtain the SCND certification with node v0.12.0, in the first quarter of 2016, the exam it's going to change in order to cover next versions. This means that you've to complement your knowledge using the new API and some skills with ECMAscript 6.
- Topics covered in the exam
- What is Node?
- Working with npm and modules
- Node Concepts
- Working with Express
- Working with the Process API
- Error Handling
- Sockets
- Clustering and Multi-Process
- Deployment
- Troubleshooting
- Other Resources
- PaperBooks
These are the materials used
Video: Node.js Fundamentals - What is Node.js
Video: Node.js Fundamentals - How Node works
Video: Getting Started with Node.js Fundamentals
Video: What’s New in Node v0.12
Video: Getting Started with NPM Modules in Node.js
Video: Node.js npm package management and module development with Tony Pujals
Video: The Node Way
Video: JavaScript and Node.js Fundamentals
Video: Nodebp April 2014: The History of Node.js Streams
Article: A Javascript Closures Recap
Article: Why use closure
Diagram: Node.js Class Diagram v0.8.12
Video: Express.js Crash Course
Nothing yet :S
Video: A Night of Control Flow and Error Handling at BayNode
Video: Node.js Asynchrony, Control-flow and Error handling w/ Adam Crabtree
Article: Building Robust Node Applications: Error Handling
Article: Real-time Engines in Node.js
Video: How to Cluster Node.js Processes
Article: Node.js External and Child Processes
Article: Node.js: managing child processes
Video: Best Practices for Deploying Node.js in Production
Article: 10 steps to nodejs nirvana in production
Video: How to Debug Node Apps with Node Inspector
Video: Understanding V8 Garbage Collection, Memory Leaks and Profiling to Tune Node Apps
SCND Examples & Workout
SCND Docs & materials
Strongloop Videos
ISBN 9781617290930 Node.js in Practice
ISBN 9781617292576 Node.js in Action, Second Edition
ISBN 9781119962595 Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere