
a Magento 1 demo project

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento Demo

A Magento 1 Demo installable via composer

run Demo via the php builtin server

we provided a simple router script to make the Demo run without a real webserver

Just run this command from the root of this project:

php-5.6 -t build/ -S router.php

prebuild Databases

to reduce the time of the initial database creation, it provides some small database dumps to speed up for example CI builds.

First is a rather empty one.

Second is filled with the smaple data from https://github.com/Vinai/compressed-magento-sample-data Using this dump still needs the media and skin data from the smaple archive.

to run on cloud9

the normal size of a cloud9 workspace is 512MB Ram and 1G Disk, that is enough for an empty magento instance, but may soon reach its limits.

add php.ini:

error_reporting = E_ALL

opcache.revalidate_freq= 10



configure composer:

composer config -g repositories.firegento composer http://packages.firegento.com

start and fill MySql:

mysql-ctl start
bunzip2 prebuild/empty/database.sql.bz2
mysql-ctl cli
use c9
source prebuild/empty/database.sql

start Webserver:
right click on build/index.php and chose run.

install Magento:
use the MySql data as described on https://docs.c9.io/docs/setting-up-mysql
means database is c9, host is localhost, user your c9 username, password empty.

afterwards you maybe need to change the web/unsecure/base_url to http