Docker is a platform that simplifies the creation, deployment, and running of applications using containers.
- build an image
docker build -t image-name .
- To run a docker image to crate a container.
docker run image_name
- To run a docker image to crate a container in detached mode (in the background).
docker run -d image_name
- To do port mapping and runnig container (To access application running inside container port 8080 from our local machine port 5000. By default app inside container cannot talk with outside world)
docker run -p 5000:8080 image-name
docker run -p 5000:8080 -d image-name
- Stop a running container
docker stop
eg:- docker stop container_name
- List all local Docker images
docker images
- List all running containers
docker ps
- To see all the containers(even the stopped containers)
docker ps -a
docker ps -a
- Remove one or more containers
docker rm container_id
- To remove containers forcely
docker rm container_id -f
- Remove one or more images
docker rmi
eg:- docker rmi image_id
- Pull an image or a repository from a registry like dockerHub
docker pull
eg:- docker pull ubuntu:latest
- To Run a command in a running container
docker exec -it container_name command
eg:- docker exec -it container_name bash
we can use bash or sh or ash
- To list all volume
docker volume ls
- To remove one or more volumes
docker volume rm volume_name
- To remove all unused volume
docker volume prune
Docker Compose is a tool that simplifies the management of multi-container Docker applications through a single YAML configuration file.
- Build or rebuild services defined in the docker-compose.yml file
docker-compose build
- List the containers managed by a Docker Compose project
docker-compose ps
- To starts and orchestrates all containers defined in the Docker Compose configuration file
docker-compose up
- To rebuild the images and starts all containers defined in the Docker Compose configuration file.
docker compose up --build
We can also do it in detach mode using -d
docker compose up -d --build
- To stops and removes all containers, networks, volumes, and images created by 'docker-compose up'
docker-compose down
- To shut down the Docker containers defined in a Docker Compose file and remove associated volumes
docker-compose down -v
- To creates or rebuilds Docker images defined in the docker-compose.yml file
docker-compose build
- To Start existing containers for a service
docker-compose start
- TO Stop running containers without removing them
docker-compose stop
- To restarts containers defined in the Docker Compose configuration file
docker-compose restart
- To Run a command in a running container
docker-compose exec
eg:- docker-compose exec service_name command
- To view output from containers
docker-compose logs
- Command to up or down in development mode
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f up -d
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f down -v
-v deletes anonymous volumes
- Command to up or down in production mode
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f up -d --build
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f down -v
docker exec -it 83f7dda4732c sh
GET key_name