
kafka message broker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Apache Kafka example

Apache Kafka is a framework implementation of a event bus using stream-processing.

Kafka in microservices is a messaging platform that enables different microservices to communicate and share data in a scalable and casually connected manner( not tightly ie,it is more flexible and informal, allowing services to interact as needed without strict constraints), facilitating real-time data flow between services.

Kafka's architecture is based on distributed publish-subscribe(pub-sub) messaging, where producers send messages to topics, which are divided into partitions and managed by brokers, with consumers subscribing to and reading messages from these partitions.

ZooKeeper used to be like a supervisor for Kafka, making sure everything runs smoothly,

its a replica set. Read/write operations are performed on leader. then changes are replicated to other followers.

3 Main Entities:

  • Topic: Space where data is produces and consumed.
  • Producer: Produces data to topic.
  • Consumer: Consumes data from topic.


  • Install Docker (if not installed)

  • pull and Start Zookeper Container and expose PORT 2181

  docker run -p 2181:2181 zookeeper
  • Start Kafka Container, expose PORT 9092 and setup ENV variables.

// to get KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT privete ip (in which zookeeper is running)

  docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <zookeeper container id>
docker run -p 9092:9092 \
  -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://<localhost or localhost ip>:9092 \
  • Open Project in VS code and run
  node partition.js
  node producer.js hello
  node consumer.js