
Command-line tool for creating strong passwords 🔒. Customize length and complexity. Enhance online security with ease.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/iam-abin/password-gen-cli.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd password-gen-cli
  3. Install the dependencies ;

    npm install 
  4. To generate a random password

    node index.js

To see all other available options

node index -h

alt text

options eg:- To generate password of length 13, we can use as

node index -l 13

npm link

When you run npm link inside your package directory, it globally installs your package and creates a symbolic link from the global installation to your package directory.

To do that, from the project directory, run,

npm link

In ubuntu we need to use sudo before npm.

Now we can run out application globally using its name. This application can be run as,


To unlink this,

npm unlink -g passwordgen

In ubuntu we need to use sudo command also.