
This repository contains Java programs grouped by topics such as Array manipulation, Exception Handling, and more, along with links to helpful e-books on Java programming. 📘 Happy coding!

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Java Programming Teacup Without Handle

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Welcome to the Java Programming Repository! This repository contains a comprehensive collection of Java code examples and exercises that cover a wide range of fundamental and advanced Java topics.

Repository Contents 📂

The repository is organized into the following sections:

  1. Applet
    • Examples and exercises on creating and running Java applets.
  2. Array
    • Code snippets for array manipulation, including initialization, traversal, and operations.
  3. Basic Code
    • Fundamental Java programs covering basic syntax and concepts.
  4. Exception Handling
    • Techniques for handling exceptions in Java using try-catch blocks, throws, and custom exceptions.
  5. Final
    • Usage of the final keyword with variables, methods, and classes.
  6. Interface
    • Implementation and usage of interfaces in Java.
  7. Loop
    • Examples of different looping constructs including for, while, and do-while loops.
  8. Package
    • Organizing code using packages and the import statement.
  9. Pattern Printing
    • Programs for printing various patterns using loops.
  10. Search
    • Implementation of search algorithms such as linear search and binary search.
  11. Sort
    • Sorting algorithms including bubble sort, selection sort, and quicksort.
  12. Static
    • Use of the static keyword with variables, methods, and blocks.
  13. String Manipulation
    • Techniques for working with strings, including concatenation, substring, and other operations.
  14. Switch Case
    • Examples demonstrating the use of switch-case statements.
  15. Thread
    • Multithreading in Java, including thread creation and synchronization.
  16. Throws
    • Usage of the throws keyword in method signatures.

E-Books 📚

This repository also references several e-books to aid in learning Java:

  1. Java Message Service 📖
    • (O'Reilly Java Series) Richard Monson-Haefel, David Chappell - O'Reilly (2001)
  2. Java Programming. Part 1 📖
    • Various Authors (1998)
  3. Java 2: The Complete Reference 📖
    • Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt - Osborne Publishing (1999)
  4. Java Programming -- Introductory 📖
    • Joyce Farrell - Course Technology (1998)
  5. Learning Java 📖
    • (The Java Series) Jonathan Knudsen, Patrick Niemeyer - O'Reilly (2000)
  6. Java Cookbook 📖
    • Ian F. Darwin - O'Reilly (2001)
  7. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing 📖
    • David Reilly, Michael Reilly - Addison-Wesley Professional (2002)
  8. Java Web Services 📖
    • David A. Chappell, Tyler Jewell - O'Reilly (2002)
  9. Thinking in Java 📖
    • Bruce Eckel - Prentice Hall (1998)
  10. Java Coding Interview Solution 📖
    • by Mr. Kotiyana
  11. Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction 📖
    • Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien

How to Use This Repository 🚀

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/iam-baivab/Java.git
  2. Navigate to the Desired Section Each topic is organized into its own directory. Navigate to the directory of the topic you are interested in:

    cd Java/<Topic-Name>
  3. Run the Code Compile and run the Java files using the following commands:

    javac FileName.java
    java FileName

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or additional examples, feel free to fork the repository and create a pull request. Please ensure your code follows best practices and includes comments for clarity.

License 📜

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Contact 📬

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or contact the repository owner.

Happy Coding!