A full data warehouse infrastructure with ETL pipelines running inside docker on Apache Airflow for data orchestration, AWS Redshift for cloud data warehouse and Metabase to serve the needs of data visualizations such as analytical dashboards.
- aegyxUnited States
- allanwRun With Al
- andreveit
- andy-paul
- BhuiyanMHFrance
- ccofresChile
- chongjeeseng
- dunguyen@e-conomic
- eli64sAI Software Engineer
- evanptang
- geosmartHangZhou.China
- harpreetsahota204Deci
- iam-mhaseebFull Stack Engineer @xrefdev @rapidid
- julianlarraldeSkimlinks
- mauriceLC92Yellow Card Financial
- mlliarmEspaña
- mmetzgerDallas, TX
- nilbroProSiebenSat1
- nishant14London
- Pritish1
- rhps@katalyti
- rishavbhurtelAldie, Virginia
- rodrigogutierrezdbMonterrey, Nuevo Leon
- rsanjabi@brooklyn-data
- Ryukojin@TafeSA
- saint7007Mumbai
- sammcilroyLondon
- shashankgroovyAmsterdam
- sid6389
- siddharth271101Swift
- sp35@HousewareHQ
- SrinivashGIndia
- SwapptooSwappID
- VirTek
- viswanath0408
- zhangpotato