Custom Search Attributes

Create namespace

temporal operator namespace create ozkar-dev

add the required custom search attributes to the temporal cluster:

temporal operator search-attribute create --name ResourceId --type Keyword --namespace ozkar-dev && temporal operator search-attribute create --name PublicKey --type Keyword --namespace ozkar-dev

Running the code

Install dependencies with npm install.

Run temporal server start-dev --db-filename temporal.db to start Temporal Server.

UI should be available at http://localhost:8233

The package.json file contains scripts for running the client, the Worker, and tests.

  1. In a shell, run npm run to start the Worker and reload it when code changes.
  2. In another shell, run npm run workflow to run the Workflow Client.
  3. Run npm run format to format your code according to the rules in .prettierrc.
  4. Run npm run lint to lint your code according to the rules in eslintrc.js.
  5. Run npm test to run the tests.