
Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub API Manipulation

An interactive webpage using GitHub API | March 18, 2016

By: Jared Beckler


This app uses a form to take user input and access GitHub's API to search for a username that matches said input. Then the app will access that username's repository names and descriptions to display for the user.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Generate a "new token" (API key) from GitHub.
  2. Open Terminal and clone into this repository: https://github.com/jaredbeckler/js-github-api
  3. Navigate to the project directory and create a file named .env
  4. Copy this code: exports.apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_IN_HERE"; into the .env file and insert your API key.
  5. Within the project directory run:
    $ npm init
    $ npm install
    $ bower install
    $ gulp build
    $ gulp serve
  6. Your browser will automatically navigate to the app.

Known Bugs

No display messages for usernames without any repositories.

Support and contact details

If you have any issues, questions, ideas, or concerns contact me through GitHUb. If you would like to make a contribution to the code, feel free to do so and notify me by e-mail.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • Google Maps API
  • Bootstrap
  • GIT
  • NPM
  • Node
  • Bower
  • Gulp
  • SCSS


Copyright (c) 2016 | Jared Beckler | Epicodus | Portland, OR