
Changes Clevo (Sager) Laptop's Keyboard Backlit LED colour based on the current open app.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Changes Clevo (Sager) Laptop's Keyboard Backlit LED colour based on the current open app.

Works best with i3wm (use the i3wm branch).


  1. Driver from https://bitbucket.org/tuxedocomputers/clevo-xsm-wmi
  2. xmlstarlet
  3. i3ipc (from pip)


  1. Do groupadd --system clevo_backlight (use sudo for permission problems)
  2. Do usermod --append --groups clevo_backlight $USER (again sudo for perms).
  3. Copy the contents of setclevopermissions.service to /etc/systemd/system/setclevopermissions.service
  4. Do systemctl enable setclevopermissions
  5. Add change_kb_color.py to i3 startup by adding exec /path/to/change_kb_color.py to ~/.config/i3/config
  6. Copy the folder clevo_fx to ~/.config/
  7. Modify ~/.config/clevo_fx/apps.xml to suit your needs (use xprop and click on window, the second WM_CLASS(STRING) property is to be used.

Check it live in action below:

ClevoFX Keyboard for Linux