Dotnet Azure Service Bus Example

This repository contains projects that show examples on how to work an Azure Service Bus withing dotnet 6 applications. We have two use cases.

  • Mirroring, meaning send a message to a queue (or more specific a topic) and having multiple subscribers receiving that message simulatanously. What happens under the hood, is that messages entering a topic are cloned among subscribers.

  • Worker pattern, where a message is sent to a queue and having only one of multiple potential subsribers procesing that message.

Note that for both scenarios a message is only removed from a queue or topic + subscription, if a subscriber successfully processed the message (completing is the more specific term, with relates better to the code part). Otherwise the message will be put back to the queue or topic + subscription so that the a subscriber can try again.


  • Dotnet installed
  • A Service Bus instance either on Azure or locally using Azurite for example
  • Set SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING to the connection string of your Service Bus

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