PARAMETER feature & PARAMETER StepDefinition
Scenario: Delimiter annotation scenario
Step: the user names are jane,john,colin,alice --> Convert to List.
Step: the users are jane,john,colin,alice --> Convert to List< dataobject.User>. User has a single argument constructor.
Scenario: Format annotation scenario
Step: the date is 2017-11-05T09:54:13 --> Convert to java.util.Date.
Scenario: Transformer annotation scenario
Step: the name is 'John Mich Arthur Doe' --> Convert to custom dataobject.FullName. FullName does NOT have a single argument constructor.
Step: the amount is $91.63 --> Convert to custom dataobject.Money. Money does NOT have a single argument constructor.
Scenario: Single argument constructor scenario
Step: the user name is John Doe --> Convert to custom dataobject.User.
Scenario: NO single argument constructor scenario
Step: the professor is John Doe --> Convert to custom dataobject.Professor. Professor does NOT have a single argument constructor.
Scenario: Enum scenario
Step: the professor level is ASSOCIATE --> Convert to custom dataobject.ProfLevels enum.
DATATABLE feature & DATATABLE StepDefinition
Scenario: List of primitive --> Step Convert to List<List>.
Scenario: List of object containing primitive fields --> Step Convert to List.
Scenario: List of object containing primitive & enum fields --> Step Convert to List.
Scenario: List of object containing object fields --> Step Convert to List.
Scenario: Transpose List of object containing object fields --> Step Convert to List with Transpose annotation.
Scenario: List of object containing object fields with no table header --> Step Convert to List.
Scenario: Map of primitive key and value --> Step Convert to Map<String,String>.
Scenario: Map of object key and enum value --> Step Convert to Map<Professor,ProfLevels>.
Scenario: Map of primitive key and object value --> Step Convert to Map<String, Lecture>.
Scenario: Map of object key and value --> Step Convert to Map<Lectureid, Lecture>.
Scenario: Transpose Map of object key and value --> Step Convert to Map<Lectureid, Lecture> with Transpose annotation.
Scenario: Whole table to single object Lectures --> Step Convert to object Lectures.