A simple checklist web application based upon vanilla JavaScript.
This repository is meant to build on JavaScript skills, CSS preprocessor skills, Gulp skills, NPM skills, and Git skills.
I am very open to suggestions on how the code could be better.
- CSS3
- (Vanilla) JavaScript
- Gulp, coupled with NPM.
- gulp-connect (LiveReload)
- gulp-htmlbuild (Build of HTML files)
- gulp-imagebin (Compression of image files)
- gulp-plumber (JavaScript error handling)
- gulp-ruby-sass (Compiler and minifier of SCSS into CSS)
- gulp-uglify (Inactive, but used to beautify, compress, and minify JavaScript files)
- Git
- SASS/SCSS, specifically SCSS.
I eventually want to integrate the following into the project.
- Bootstrap
- Bower (To handle depencies).
- Possibly jQuery or AngularJS to build the app out in a more modern fashion.