Complete as many of the following frontend projects as you can during the time allotted. Then, arrange your best work into a portfolio of your own design.
- 01 qr code component
- 02 stats preview card component
- 03 profile card component
- 04 3 column preview card component
- 05 huddle landing page with single introductory section
- 06 interactive rating component
- 07 intro component with signup form
- 08 ping coming soon page
- 09 fylo dark theme landing page
- 10 notifications page
- 11 interactive pricing component
- 12 testimonials grid section
- 13 news homepage
- 14 advice generator app
- 15 sunnyside agency landing page
- 16 tip calculator app
- 17 space tourism website
- 18 ecommerce product page
- 19 manage landing page
- 20 url shortening api
- 21 todo app
- 22 calculator app
- 23 launch countdown timer
- 24 chat app css illustration
- 25 interactive comments section
- 26 easybank landing page
- 27 bookmark landing page
- 28 ip address tracker
- 29 rest countries api with color theme switcher
- 30 rock paper scissors
- Arrange your best 5 to 10 projects into a portfolio
See DETAILS for more information