#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # http://www.inetdoc.net source code repository #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This website is dedicated to internetworking documentation with FOSS. It contains articles, guides, labs and presentations which can be used as teaching or self learning material As the documents have to be maintained over years, static web pages are the most suitable way to publish them DocBook XML source files are processed through XSL stylesheets (http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookXslStylesheets) with libxslt tools (http://xmlsoft.org/xslt/). Customized stylesheets in this repository are developped for both XHTML and PDF rendering. FOP (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/) is used to generate the PDF printable versions of the documents. Finally, nanoblogger (http://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net/) is used as the web publishing framework. This repository does not contain real code ;) It's only a collection of makefiles, and XML documents.