
This is the repository for Cypress Framework with Mocha Awesome Report

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the repository for Cypress Framework with Mocha Awesome Report

Getting Started

Follow below process for getting started with Cypress Code and run it on your own system:

  1. Installation process
    • Clone this repository on your machine.
    • Open command prompt and run "npm install"
  2. Software dependencies
    • NodeJS
    • Virtual Studio Code
    • Git
  3. Latest releases
    • Cypress Version: 4.11.0
  4. API references
    • NA

Build and Test

Follow below steps to run your tests: - Once all the dependecies are installed, run below command to clear all the existing reports "npm run clean-reports" - Above command will clean the existing reports. Now run below command to start test execution "npm run test" - Once the execution is completed run below command: "npm run combine-reports" - Once the reports are combined, run below command to generate HTML report: "npm run generate-report" - Once the HTML report is generated after running about command, Navigate to project folder and check "/mochareports/report.html"

Execution inside a Docker container

Now that we have tried to execute the project locally and tested everything, we can further extend cypress tests to run inside a Docker Container. Follow the below steps:

-   Install Docker on windows/mac/linux
-   Execute the below command in the command prompt or terminal:
    docker run -it -v $PWD:/e2e -w /e2e cypress/included:3.3.1

Explanation of docker run command:

-   -it = interactive terminal
-   -v $PWD:/e2e = volume mounting current folder to /e2e inside the container
-   -w /e2e = setting current working directory to /e2e
-   cypress/included:3.3.2 = is the name of docker image with tag


Following functionality is still not working an can be considered as bug - Screenshots are gettinga attached in report for failure tests, but vidoes of the execution is not getting attached.