
A proof-of-concept collaborative knowledge base implemented using Markdown, GitHub Pages, and GitHub Actions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collaborative knowledge base implemented using Markdown, GitHub Pages, and GitHub Actions.

How does it work?

All contributed content* is parsed and indexed on successful push commits to the main branch. The indexed results are accessible via the search functionality which can be found at the GitHub Pages deployment of the repository.

* Currently only Markdown Tables are supported (see below). Free Markdown text is an additional feature under consideration.

Adding content to the knowledge base

Contributing to the knowledge base is straight forward. You can add/edit content by simply adding or editing a table row on the existing content files. Additionally, you can use the following format to create a new document inside the content/ folder.

# Category, e.g. A1 - Injection 

|     Title     |      Description     |        Impact       | Mitigation |        OWASP       |          CWE          |
| SQL Injection | SQL Injection is ... | An attacker can ... | Use ...    | https://owasp.org/ | https://cwe.mitre.org |
