
Laravel implemented payment service

Primary LanguagePHP


Laravel implemented payment service

This service is actually the payment service that I use for my Laravel project. All you need to do is copy the payment folder and paste it in App directory in your Laravel project.

How does it work?

If you wanna see the example ensure that you checked the example directory in this repository, It gives you an example of usage in PaymentController.
The pattern we are using is Strategy that is one of the behavioral patterns.
First we need to define our interfaces to know what actually we will face in this service, We all know that every single provider has a pay method becuase it needs to be paied but some of them has verify method because all the payment are not verifiable, Like offline transactions.
So we have to define two different interfaces called Payable and Verifiable (These interfaces are in Payment/Contracts).

Payable interface

namespace App\Services\Payment\Contracts;

use App\Services\Payment\Requests\PayRequest;

interface PayableInterface
    public function pay(PayRequest $dataRequest);

Verifiable interface

namespace App\Services\Payment\Contracts;

use App\Services\Payment\Requests\VerifyRequest;

interface VerifiableInterface
    public function verify(VerifyRequest $verifyRequest);

So every provider that wants to be added to this service has to implement at least the Payable interface, Like:

namespace App\Services\Payment\Providers;

use App\Services\Payment\Contracts\PayableInterface;
use App\Services\Payment\Contracts\VerifiableInterface;
use App\Services\Payment\Requests\PayRequest;
use App\Services\Payment\Requests\VerifyRequest;

class VandarProvider implements PayableInterface, VerifiableInterface

    public function pay(PayRequest $dataRequest)
        // TODO: Implement pay() method.

    public function verify(VerifyRequest $verifyRequest)
        // TODO: Implement verify() method.

Let's find out How payment service class works

Let me show you the actual code then we can discuss about it.

class PaymentService
    public const IDPAY = 'IDPayProvider';

    public const Vandar = 'VandarProvider';

    public function __construct(protected PayRequest|VerifyRequest $dataRequest, protected string $gateway = self::IDPAY)

    private function findGateway()
        $namespace = "App\Services\Payment\Providers\\" . $this->gateway;

        if (!class_exists($namespace)) {
            throw new GatewayDoesNotExistsException('درگاه مورد نظر وجود ندارد');

        return (new $namespace);

    public function sendToGateway()
        return $this->findGateway()->pay($this->dataRequest);

    public function verify()
        return $this->findGateway()->verify($this->dataRequest);

If you want to use Payment you have to start from PaymentService class. In This class we defined our different provider names as constant, Like IDPAY or Vandar.
In the construct of class we have two parameters, First one if $dataRequest and the second one is the gatewat type.

What is $dataRequest anyway?

In the example of this class you will see:

use App\Services\Payment\Requests\PayRequest as PaymentServicePayRequest;

$payRequest = new PaymentServicePayRequest((int)$data['amount'], $bankAccount, $data['user']);
(new PaymentService($payRequest, PaymentService::IDPAY))->sendToGateway();

If you noticed the constructor the first paramter is type of PayRequest or VerifyRequest, These two class has the necessary data that we need to use in every single provider, Like amount, the actual user, user's bank account, etc to pay or verify!

The findGateway method in the PaymentService class returns the object of the provider that you passed in the second parameter of the constructor.
As we defined our interfaces we are sure that both of them has at least the Pay method, So in the sendToGateway method we call the pay method on the object that sendToGateway returns to us and we pass the $dataReqeust as well, Ultimately the user will be redirected to payment page.

What happens when the user come back from payment page?

In this case users get back to verify method from payment page to the route that you given as callback route. Let's find out verify

use App\Services\Payment\Requests\VerifyRequest;

$verifyRequest = new VerifyRequest($payment, $data['order_id'], $data['card_no'], $data['id']);
$verificationData = (new PaymentService($verifyRequest, PaymentService::IDPAY))->verify();

In the verify method we just need to do the same stuff that we've done in the above section, But we need to use VerifyRequest class instedOf PayReuqest because in this case we want to verify the payment.
For verifying the payment we need to pass the data to VerifyRequest and pass it to PaymentService and finially call the Verify method of the PaymentService class.


class PaymentController extends Controller
    use NotificationTrait, PrepareDataForAlertNotification, BalanceLastSetting;

    public function __construct(protected PaymentRepositoryInterface             $paymentRepository,
                                protected PersonalAccessTokenRepositoryInterface $personalAccessTokenRepository,

    public function pay(PayRequest $request)
        $validated_data = $request->validated();

        # Convering amount from IRT to IRR
        $amount = $validated_data['amount'] * 10;

        $data = [
            'user' => $this->personalAccessTokenRepository->findUserByToken($validated_data['token']),
            'balance_setting' => $this->getLastIRRSetting(),
            'amount' => $amount,
            'bank_account' => $validated_data['bank_account'],

        $userExistenceHandler = new UserExistenceHandler();
        $balanceSettingHandler = new BalanceSettingHandler();
        $amountValidationHandler = new AmountValidationHandler();
        $bankAccountValidationHandler = new BankAccountValidationHandler();

        try {

            # Handling all the condition that we have to check before redirecting user to pay

            $bankAccount = $bankAccountValidationHandler->handle($data);

            # Sending user to gateway to pay
            $payRequest = new PaymentServicePayRequest((int)$data['amount'], $bankAccount, $data['user']);
            (new PaymentService($payRequest, PaymentService::IDPAY))->sendToGateway();

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return redirect()->route('payment.callback.form')->with('failed', $e->getMessage());

    public function verify(Request $request)
        $data = [
            'id' => $request?->id,
            'card_no' => $request?->card_no,
            'order_id' => $request?->order_id,

        $bankAccountVerificationHandler = new BankAccountVerificationHandler();
        $paymentExistanceHandler = new PaymentExistanceHandler();

        try {
            # Check all the condition that need to be passed for verification

            # Verifying user payment
            $payment = $this->paymentRepository->findBy(['factor_number' => $data['order_id']], null, 'first');

            $verifyRequest = new VerifyRequest($payment, $data['order_id'], $data['card_no'], $data['id']);
            $verificationData = (new PaymentService($verifyRequest, PaymentService::IDPAY))->verify();

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return redirect()->route('payment.callback.form')->with('failed', $e->getMessage());

        return redirect()->route('payment.callback.form')->with('success', 'پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد');

    public function showRedirectForm(Request $request)
        return view('payment.callback');

The chain of responsibility explanation will be added soon.