
The goal of datavyur is to …


You can install the released version of datavyur from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Datavyu data structure

It is important to understand the parts of one or more Datavyu files to understand how to use this R package. The structure is basically organized like so:

  • datavyu files
    • column names
      • cells
        • standard fields
        • custom fields

For example, you may have several Datavyu files with multiple “columns” in each file, and in each column exists the standard onset, offset, and ordinal fields and their values, along with custom fields that hold their “codes.”

|- column_name1
|  |- cell
|     |- onset <ts>
|     |- offset <ts>
|     |- ordinal <int>
|     |- custom_code_id1 <code>
|     |- custom_code_id2 <code>
|  |- cell
|     |- onset <ts>
|     |- offset <ts>
|     |- ordinal <int>
|     |- custom_code_id1 <code>
|     |- custom_code_id2 <code>
|  |- ...
|- column_name2
|  |- cell
|     |- onset <ts>
|     |- offset <ts>
|     |- ordinal <int>
|     |- custom_code_id1 <code>
|     |- custom_code_id2 <code>
|  |- ...
|- column_name1
|  |- ...
|- column_name2
|  |- ...


This is a basic example which shows you how to import Datavyu data into R. First, load the package.

# Load the datavyur library to use the functions below

Next, point to a directory containing .csv data that has been previously exported using the script datavyu2csv.rb (see the section “Exporting Datavyu .opf files” below). This example uses the internal package data directory for demonstration purposes.

ex_data_dir <- datavyur_internal_data()

The folder ex_data_dir originally contained 3 .opf files that have been split into 6 separate .csv files, one .csv file for each Datavyu file (.opf) and column combination.

Names of .csv files after using the Ruby script datavyu2csv.rb:

#> [1] "childhands__dyad1.csv"  "childhands__dyad2.csv"  "childhands__dyad3.csv" 
#> [4] "parenthands__dyad1.csv" "parenthands__dyad2.csv" "parenthands__dyad3.csv"

Names of the original Datavyu .opf files:

#> [1] "dyad1" "dyad2" "dyad3"

Names of the Datavyu columns found inside the set of exported .csv files:

#> [1] "childhands"  "parenthands"

This information can be obtained by using the function datavyu_search.


Use the import_datavyu function to import Datavyu columns into R as separate data.frames. Since there are multiple Datavyu columns that need to be imported from ex_data_dir, set as_list=TRUE to import a data.frame for each Datavyu column.

dv_columns <- import_datavyu(folder=ex_data_dir, as_list=TRUE)

You can access each data.frame like so:

child_data <- dv_columns$childhands

The first few rows are shown below.

file column ordinal onset offset hand look
dyad1 childhands 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 childhands 2 177790 184132 1
dyad1 childhands 3 199152 201028 1
dyad1 childhands 4 204120 226493 left NaN
dyad1 childhands 5 236796 251476 right NaN
dyad1 childhands 6 274095 315907 both 0

Horizontal alignment of Datavyu data

main_list <- import_datavyu_to_list()

Aligning data by timestamp

To align data found in the folder ex_data_dir use the function temporal_align.

time_aligned1 <- temporal_align(folder=ex_data_dir, fps=30, columns="childhands")
file frame_number childhands.ordinal childhands.onset childhands.offset childhands.hand childhands.look
dyad1 866 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 867 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 868 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 869 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 870 1 28846 157944 left NaN
dyad1 871 1 28846 157944 left NaN

Aligning by ordinal value

ord_aligned1 <- ordinal_align(folder=ex_data_dir, columns="parenthands")
file ordinal parenthands.onset parenthands.offset parenthands.hand parenthands.look
dyad1 1 96019 148073 NaN
dyad1 2 323576 344652 right 1
dyad1 3 345184 372673 0
dyad1 4 392624 393581 right NaN
dyad1 5 396504 435797 1
dyad1 6 489463 565105 both NaN

Vertical alignment of Datavyu data

To stack several Datavyu columns’ data vertically, use the function vert_merge_datavyu_list. This will convert all codes to characters so that they’re able to exist in a single column.

vert_data <- vert_merge_datavyu_list(main_list)
file column field code ordinal onset offset
dyad1 childhands hand left 1 28846 157944
dyad1 childhands look 1 28846 157944
dyad1 childhands hand 2 177790 184132
dyad1 childhands look 1 2 177790 184132
dyad1 childhands hand 3 199152 201028
dyad1 childhands look 1 3 199152 201028
dyad3 parenthands hand 3 1411097 1541540
dyad3 parenthands look 0 3 1411097 1541540
dyad3 parenthands hand 4 1912060 2240150
dyad3 parenthands look 4 1912060 2240150
dyad3 parenthands hand 5 2885547 3046254
dyad3 parenthands look 0 5 2885547 3046254

Exporting Datavyu .opf files

Importing R data into Datavyu