
A game that makes exercise fun and pulls steps tracker API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

rails First foray into building a full-stack application from the ground up.

Objective: Build a game that motivates people to take more steps with steps tracker.

Idea: A user starts off with a basic weapon and duals other users. In order to make their weapons better, and have a better chance of winning in a dual, they must purchase upgrades. Money, for upgrades, is earned by getting steps with your steps tracker (like a Fitbit or Jawbone). The more steps you have, the more money you have to spend on upgrades.

Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Postgresql

Approach Taken:

  • Make an ERD
    • Learned I might have a many-to-many relationship
  • Make wireframe
  • Make user stories.
  • Add models and migrations.
  • Add Routes
  • Add Controllers.
  • Add views for homepage and make sure links work on that page.
  • Add views for profile page and make sure links work.
  • Add sign in, up, and out functionality.
  • Add many-to-many relationship.
  • Add ability for new users to add a weapon.

To install on local computer:

  • Install Rails and Ruby Gems
  • Install and set up Git:
  • Install Postgresql
  • Create Github account (and it is recommended that you set up SSH).
  • On this page, at the top of the screen, click the fork button, to fork this repository.
  • From the terminal on your computer, in folder you want repository to be in, type:
git clone git@github.com:SuperJones/project2.git
  • From the terminal, in your main folder you should now be able to
$ bundle install
$ rake db:drop
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed

  • Finally you should be able to run the rails server
$ rails s

and see the current application in your browser


Unsolved Problems:

  • The model should not be a many-to-many relationship
    • In retrospect a User has one Inventory and and Inventory has many Weapons.
  • User do not have the ability to battle other users yet.
    • An algorithm should be created to decide the winner, based off weapon hp (hitpoints), and a dice roll.
    • Later armor (defense) and potions (hp & defense increase) will be added and should be taken into account.
  • Devise was not implemented, so user sign in could be more secure
  • Steps should be pulled from a tracker and the leader board should only show steps, and battle wins should determine ranking.
  • Search button is not functional.
  • A steps-to-coins conversion system should be implemented.