Front Trends 2017

TL;DR version of best talks from Nienkedekker's summary of FT2017

Una Kravets: The Power of CSS

Vitaly Friedman: Smashing Magazine's 2017 Relaunch

Sam Bellen: I didn't know the browser could do that!

  • Browser API - speaking, recording voice, camera

Marco Cedaro: Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with

  • Atomic/molecular approach for development
  • PatternLab

Stefan Judis: Watch your back, Browser! You're being observed

  • All kinds of JavaScript Observers: for example performance, mutations

Ally Long: Field-tested interfaces for the next billion

  • Don't test your stuff only on expensive, modern computers and phones
  • Don't test your stuff only on fast network
  • People mostly use 3G and cheap Android phones

Patrick Hamann: The First Meaningful Paint

  • Critical CSS
  • Async load of scripts and styles
  • First miningful Paint
  • Google Lighthouse

Val Head: Motion In Design Systems: Animation, Style Guides, and the Design Process

Konrad Dzwinel: Alternative Reality DevTools

  • Ideas how to make life of dev easier thanks to own plugins for google devtools
  • Artboard with different screens
  • Timeline

Martin Splitt: Rendering performance inside out

  • Motion performance
  • will-change - optimize browsers rendering
  • CSS Trigers

Chris Wright: Changing the layout game