
QR code plugins for Oracle Application Express


QR Code plugin

Self contained QR Code item plugin for the Oracle Application Express.

Plugin simply renders value of the item as a QR code. Users can easily scan the QR code with their smart phones directly from the screen or print the page and use it as a ticket.

QR codes are generated using JavaScript - directly in the browser. Plugin does not depend on any external QR generator service.

Demo: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=QRDEMO_1_1

More about QR codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code

The original author of this plugin was Jan Navratil @apexindublin.


  • Import src/item_type_plugin_com_jannavratil_apex_qr.sql into your application
    • There are no associated database objects
    • Javascript library is contained in the plugin (no need to copy .js files onto web server)
  • Create a Page item - select Plug-ins - QR Code Item
  • Set the source value for the item
  • Run the page!

##Plugin attributes QR plugin has following custom component attributes

  • Size: Height and Width of the QR code in pixels - default 200

  • Color: Color of the QR code - default #000000 (black)

  • Background: Background color - default #FFFFFF (white)

  • Error Correction Level: There are 4 error correction levels used for QR codes, with each one adding different amounts of "backup" data depending on how much damage the QR code is expected to suffer in its intended environment, and hence how much error correction may be required:

    • Level L – up to 7% damage
    • Level M – up to 15% damage
    • Level Q – up to 25% damage
    • Level H – up to 30% damage

    More info: http://blog.qrstuff.com/2011/12/14/qr-code-error-correction

For performance and scalability reasons you can also store JavaScript file (src/qrcode.min.js) on your Web Server. You would need to change the "File Prefix" plugin attribute accordingly (e.g. from #PLUGIN_PREFIX# to #IMAGE_PREFIX#).

###Dynamic actions (optional) Dynamic actions can be used to update QR code on the page in a real time. Each QR Code item has a dedicated JavaScript function renderQR_#ITEM_NAME#(newValue).

To update QR code in real time create dynamic action "Ececute JavaScript Code" with following code:

renderQR_#ITEM_NAME#('New Value');

e.g. renderQR_P100_MYQRCODE($x("P100_MYVALUE").value);

###Examples There are three examples in the demo application (examples/qr-code-demo.sql) on page 101:

  • First is the basic use - QR code is updated when page is submitted (Apply button)
  • Second: The QR code is updated each time user changes the value - Dynamic action (Event = Key Release)
  • Third is based on a timer - see Page Source / Execute when Page Loads


  • Updated by Jeffrey Kemp in Apex 5.0
  • Tested with following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE11, Safari (iPhone)
  • Tested with following QR code scanners: scan.me, RedLaser, Google Authenticator, HDE OTP


  • The MIT License (MIT)
  • See LICENSE-MIT for details