Hello World

If You are using this repo then follow some step
Added .env file in your vscode then put your token and mongodb url into .env file

DB_CONNECT="Enter url hear"

TOKEN_SECRET="Enter jwt token hear"

Then run this command in the terminal

npm i
npm start
Then your code run your local environment port number 8080 or url:-Server Running on http://localhost:8080

Live url

https://login-register-jwt-gamma.vercel.app/api/user/all For Get All Users

https://login-register-jwt-gamma.vercel.app/api/user/profile This url working after login with auth-token res.header json web token

https://login-register-jwt-gamma.vercel.app/api/user/login for login after successfull login then get token to authenticate your request

https://login-register-jwt-gamma.vercel.app/api/user/register for Register new user