
MVVM with Kotlin — Android Architecture Components, Dagger 2, Retrofit and RxAndroid. Application which shows the current trending Github repositories fetched from a public API.

Primary LanguageKotlin

TrendRepo Application

MVVM with Kotlin — Android Architecture Components, Dagger 2, Retrofit and RxAndroid

Getting Started

This repository was the aim to show how I made everything work together in my own MVVM architecture, but not to explain what MVVM or those libraries are or how they work.

Language: Kotlin Dependencies:

  1. Network: retrofit2
  2. DataBinding: kapt "com.android.databinding:compiler"
  3. Dependency injection: Dagger2
  4. Reactive extension: rxjav2
  5. Database: room
  6. Image loading lib: glide
  7. Shimmer loader: facebook shimmer


MVVM — Android Architecture Components

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