
Todo List With Local Storage Using Html Css And| Javascript | Todo List Using Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript next Todo App

Todo List With Local Storage Using Html Css And| Javascript | Todo List Using Javascript


To-Do List App

🛠 Skills to do

Javascript, HTML, CSS, Git...


  • Show tasks list
  • Add new task
  • Complete task
  • Delete task
  • Edit task
  • Clear all tasks
  • Clear complete tasks
  • Save on local storage
  • Current Time show
  • Show message if not task
  • Custom scrollbar
  • Responsivity

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://link-to-project

Create a new branch and checkout to

  git branch new_branch -b checkout

Go to the project directory

  cd Project_name


Along this App, i successfully built a todo list app that allows a user to add new tasks, mark a task as completed and delete old ones. We also discussed the importance of accounting for empty states when designing an application, then proceeded to talk about a potential problem when using the :empty selector and how to fix it. Finally, discussed persisting the application state to the browser’s localStorage and how to get around its limitations using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.


For support, email basilxg321@gmail.com
