
A list of grep searches using replace strings that are helpful converting D2L Brightspace Content HTML files to Canvas

Canvas Conversion Regular Expressions

The following Regular Expressions were helpful in cleaning up Content from D2L Brighspace (.html files) in preparation for import into Instructure Canvas. You should be able to use the following Regular Expressions in any text editor that supports multi-file GREP searching. We have found success using the tags in the following order as well.

How to Use

  1. Download Content from Manage Files in your Brightspace course.

  2. Unzip the Content on your local computer.

  3. Open an HTML file using a text editor that supports multi-file GREP searching, e.g. BBEdit.

  4. Run each expression.

Final Steps in Our Proccess

After running each expression, we would zip the files back up and upload them back to the manage files area where they would be unzipped. At this point, clean up would continue in the Brightspace course until it was ready for export and import into Canvas.

Regular Expressions

Remove HTML Comments

Find: <!--(.*?)--> Replace: null

Remove Header Tags (and everything between them)

Find: <header(.*?)>[^"]*</header> Replace: null

Remove Opening Layer/Div Tags

Find: <div(.*?)> Replace: null

Remove Closing Div Tags

Find: </div> Replace: null

Remove Opening Section Tags

Find: <section(.*?)> Replace: null

Remove Closing Section Tags

Find: </section> Replace: null

Remove Opening Article Tags

Find: <article(.*?)> Replace: null

Remove Closing Article Tags

Find: </article> Replace: null

Remove Stylesheet Links

Find: <link(.*?)> Replace: null

Note: Will remove <link> tags where ever they are in the file.

Change Opening Aside Tags to Opening Paragraphs

Find: <aside Replace: <p

Change Closing Aside Tags to Closing Paragraphs

Find: </aside> Replace: </p>

Change Opening Figure Tags to Opening Paragraphs

Find: <figure Replace: <p

Change Closing Figure Tags to Closing Paragraphs

Find: </figure> Replace: </p>

Change Opening FigCaption Tags

Find: <figcaption> Replace: <br /><span style="font-size: .75em; padding-left: auto; padding-right: auto;">

Change Closing FigCaption Tags

Find: </figcaption> Replace: </span>

Remove Footer Tags (and everything between them)

Find: <footer(.*?)>[^"]*</footer> Replace: null

Remove Grammerly Open Tags

Find: <g(.*?)> Replace: null

  1. Remove Grammerly Close Tags Find: </g> Replace: null

Search for Media (using Find All)

Find: <iframe(.*?)>


  • (.*?)
  • [^"]*