
Script that is able to generate an Austrian tax report for ETFs purchased via Scalable Capital.

Primary LanguagePython

Scalable Capital AT Tax Report

Austrian taxes for investments are hard and making mistakes is very easy, for this reason I created a simple Python script which parses the data of the Scalable Capital API for an ETF and calculates all the needed information for filing the yearly tax return (E1kv).


  1. Create a configuration file in .json format with the following information (the filename must start with config):

      // Date ranges in which you want to compute the report.
      "start_date": "01/01/2023",
      "end_date": "31/12/2023",
      // Data from the OEKB website for your ETF
      "oekb_report_date": "17/08/2023",
      "oekb_distribution_equivalent_income_factor": 0.8649,
      "oekb_taxes_paid_abroad_factor": 0.0723,
      "oekb_adjustment_factor": 0.7609,
      "oekb_report_currency": "USD",
      // The quantity and previously computed moving average price at the 31st december
      // of the previous year.
      "starting_quantity": 8.591,
      "starting_moving_avg_price": 27.927
  2. Go to your Scalable Capital asset and in the network tab copy the response of the call to https://de.scalable.capital/broker/api/data where the request includes in the body the operationName named moreTransactions. You must copy the response in a .json file with the name starting with data.

  3. Launch the script by specifying the path of the folder containing both config and data jsons.

    python src/scalable_capital/main.py path/to/config/folder


There are still a few todos for the script:

  • Add support for handling capital gains derived from selling.
  • Add support for fetching OEKB data directly from their API.
  • Add support for multiple reportings in a year.