DRAMSim2: A cycle accurate DRAM simulator

Primary LanguageC++

DRAMSim2: A cycle accurate DRAM Simulator

Elliott Cooper-Balis Paul Rosenfeld Bruce Jacob University of Maryland dramninjas [at] gmail [dot] com

About DRAMSim2

DRAMSim2 is a cycle accurate model of a DRAM memory controller, the DRAM modules which comprise system storage, and the buses by which they communicate. The overarching goal is to have a simulator that is small, portable, and accurate. The simulator core has a simple interface which allows it to be CPU simulator agnostic and should to work with any simulator (see section 4.2). This core has no external run time or build time dependencies and has been tested with g++ on Linux as well as g++ on Cygwin on Windows.

Getting, Building, Documentation, etc.

Please see the DRAMSim2 wiki