
Java API for Telegram Bots and Gaming Platform

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Maven Central

Full support of all Bot API 2.3 methods with new Gaming Platform



compile 'com.github.pengrad:java-telegram-bot-api:2.3.0'





Creating your bot

TelegramBot bot = TelegramBotAdapter.build("BOT_TOKEN");

Network operations based on OkHttp library.
You can build bot with custom OkHttpClient, for specific timeouts or interceptors.

TelegramBot bot = TelegramBotAdapter.buildCustom("BOT_TOKEN", okHttpClient);

Making requests


BaseResponse response = bot.execute(request);


bot.execute(request, new Callback() {
    public void onResponse(BaseRequest request, BaseResponse response) {
    public void onFailure(BaseRequest request, IOException e) {

Getting updates

You can use getUpdates request, parse incoming Webhook request, or set listener to receive updates.
Update object just copies Telegram's response.

class Update {
    Integer updateId();
    Message message();
    Message editedMessage();
    InlineQuery inlineQuery();
    ChosenInlineResult chosenInlineResult();
    CallbackQuery callbackQuery();

Get updates

Building request

GetUpdates getUpdates = new GetUpdates().limit(100).offset(0).timeout(0);


// sync
GetUpdatesResponse updatesResponse = bot.execute(getUpdates);
List<Update> updates = updatesResponse.updates();
Message message = update.message()

// async
bot.execute(getUpdates, new Callback<GetUpdates, GetUpdatesResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(GetUpdates request, GetUpdatesResponse response) {
        List<Update> updates = updatesResponse.updates();
    public void onFailure(GetUpdates request, IOException e) {


Building request

SetWebhook request = new SetWebhook()
       .certificate(new byte[]{}) // byte[]
       .certificate(new File("path")); // or file 


// sync
BaseResponse response = bot.execute(request);
boolean ok = response.isOk();

// async
bot.execute(request, new Callback<SetWebhook, BaseResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(SetWebhook request, BaseResponse response) {
    public void onFailure(SetWebhook request, IOException e) {

Using Webhook you can parse request to Update

Update update = BotUtils.parseUpdate(stringRequest); // from String
Update update = BotUtils.parseUpdate(reader); // or from java.io.Reader

Message message = update.message();

Updates Listener

You can set listener to receiving incoming updates as if using Webhook.
This will trigger executing getUpdates requests in a loop.

bot.setGetUpdatetsListener(new GetUpdatesListener() {
    public int process(List<Update> updates) {

        // process updates

        return GetUpdatesListener.CONFIRMED_UPDATES_ALL;

Listener should return id of the last processed (confirmed) update.
To confirm all updates return GetUpdatesListener.CONFIRMED_UPDATES_ALL, this should be enough in most cases.
To not confirm any updates return GetUpdatesListener.CONFIRMED_UPDATES_NONE, these updates will be redelivered.
To set specific update as last confirmed just return required updateId.

To stop receiving updates


Available types

All types have the same name as original ones.
Type's fields are methods in lowerCamelCase.

Types used in responses (Update, Message, User, Document...) are in com.pengrad.telegrambot.model package.

Types used in requests (Keyboard, InlineQueryResult, ParseMode, InputMessageContent...) are in com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.request package.
When creating request's type required params should be passed in constructor, optional params can be added in chains.


ForceReply, ReplyKeyboardRemove

Keyboard forceReply = new ForceReply(isSelective); // or just new ForceReply();
Keyboard replyKeyboardRemove = new ReplyKeyboardRemove(); // new ReplyKeyboardRemove(isSelective)


Keyboard replyKeyboardMarkup = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(
                new String[]{"first row button1", "first row button2"},
                new String[]{"second row button1", "second row button2"})
                .oneTimeKeyboard(true)   // optional
                .resizeKeyboard(true)    // optional
                .selective(true);        // optional


Keyboard keyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(
        new KeyboardButton[]{
                new KeyboardButton("text"),
                new KeyboardButton("contact").requestContact(true),
                new KeyboardButton("location").requestLocation(true)


InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(
        new InlineKeyboardButton[]{
                new InlineKeyboardButton("url").url("url"),
                new InlineKeyboardButton("callback_data").callbackData("callback_data"),
                new InlineKeyboardButton("switch_inline_query").switchInlineQuery("switch_inline_query")

Chat Action

ChatAction action = ChatAction.typing;
ChatAction action = ChatAction.upload_photo;
ChatAction action = ChatAction.find_location;

Available methods

All request methods have the same names as original ones.
Required params should be passed in constructor.
Optional params can be added in chains.

Send message

All send requests (SendMessage, SendPhoto, SendLocation...) return SendResponse object that contains Message.

SendMessage request = new SendMessage(chatId, "text")
        .replyMarkup(new ForceReply());

// sync
SendResponse sendResponse = bot.execute(request);
boolean ok = sendResponse.isOk();
Message message = sendResponse.message();

// async
bot.execute(request, new Callback<SendMessage, SendResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(SendMessage request, SendResponse response) {
    public void onFailure(SendMessage request, IOException e) {

Formatting options

ParseMode parseMode = ParseMode.Markdown;
ParseMode parseMode = ParseMode.HTML;

Get file

GetFile request = new GetFile("fileId")
GetFileResponse getFileResponse = bot.execute(request);

File file = getFileResponse.file(); // com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.File
file.filePath();  // relative path

To get downloading link as https://api.telegram.org/file/bot<token>/<file_path>

String fullPath = bot.getFullFilePath(file);  // com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.File

Other requests

All requests return BaseResponse if not mention here

class BaseResponse {
  boolean isOk();
  int errorCode();
  String description();

GetMe request returns GetMeResponse

class GetMeResponse {
  User user();


class GetChatAdministratorsResponse  { 
  List<ChatMember> administrators() 


class GetChatMembersCountResponse  { 
  ChatMember chatMember() 


class GetChatMemberResponse  {
  int count() 


class GetChatResponse  { 
  Chat chat() 


class GetUserProfilePhotosResponse {
  UserProfilePhotos photos()

Updating messages

Normal message

EditMessageText editMessageText = new EditMessageText(chatId, messageId, "new test")
        .replyMarkup(new ReplyKeyboardRemove());
BaseResponse response = bot.execute(editMessageText);        

Inline message

EditMessageText editInlineMessageText = new EditMessageText(inlineMessageId, "new text");
BaseResponse response = bot.execute(editInlineMessageText);

Inline mode

Getting updates

GetUpdatesResponse updatesResponse = bot.execute(new GetUpdates());
List<Update> updates = updatesResponse.updates();
InlineQuery inlineQuery = update.inlineQuery();
ChosenInlineResult chosenInlineResult = update.chosenInlineResult();
CallbackQuery callbackQuery = update.callbackQuery();

If using webhook, you can parse request to InlineQuery

Update update = BotUtils.parseUpdate(stringRequest); // from String
Update update = BotUtils.parseUpdate(reader); // from java.io.Reader

InlineQuery inlineQuery = update.inlineQuery();

Inline query result

InlineQueryResult r1 = new InlineQueryResultPhoto("id", "photoUrl", "thumbUrl");
InlineQueryResult r2 = new InlineQueryResultArticle("id", "title", "message text").thumbUrl("url");
InlineQueryResult r3 = new InlineQueryResultGif("id", "gifUrl", "thumbUrl");
InlineQueryResult r4 = new InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif("id", "mpeg4Url", "thumbUrl");

InlineQueryResult r5 = new InlineQueryResultVideo(
  "id", "videoUrl", InlineQueryResultVideo.MIME_VIDEO_MP4, "message", "thumbUrl", "video title")
    .inputMessageContent(new InputLocationMessageContent(21.03f, 105.83f));

Answer inline query

BaseResponse response = bot.execute(new AnswerInlineQuery(inlineQuery.id(), r1, r2, r3, r4, r5));

// or full
        new AnswerInlineQuery(inlineQuery.id(), new InlineQueryResult[]{r1, r2, r3, r4, r5})


Send game

SendResponse response = bot.execute(new SendGame(chatId, "my_super_game"));

Set game score

BaseResponse response = bot.execute(new SetGameScore(userId, score, chatId, messageId));

Get game high scores

GetGameHighScoresResponse response = bot.execute(new GetGameHighScores(userId, chatId, messageId));
GameHighScore[] scores = response.result();