
Ansible scripts to set up the elk stack with zeek logging


Ansible scripts to set up the elk stack with zeek logging.

This will install the elk stack and filebeat. Filebeat will be installed and ship logs to port 5044.

This will also set up configuration files for logstash and filebeat necessary for zeek logging. It is assumed the zeek logs are in the folder:


If zeek is on a remote server, filebeat installation should be done on the remote server.

Various options can be set in the elk/vars/main.yml file.

Prepare the server

Set the timezone

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Set a static IP

sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml 

Example network config

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
      addresses: []
        addresses: [,]

Apply the network config

sudo netplan apply

On the client

git clone https://github.com/iamckn/elk_ansible
cd elk_ansible

Edit the hosts file in that folder and fill in the IP field with the ELK server IP

Install Elasticsearch

ansible-playbook setup.yml -u root -k -i hosts -t install_elasticsearch

Install Logstash

ansible-playbook setup.yml -u root -k -i hosts -t install_logstash

Install Kibana

ansible-playbook setup.yml -u root -k -i hosts -t install_kibana

Install Filebeat

ansible-playbook setup.yml -u root -k -i hosts -t install_filebeat

Install Everything

ansible-playbook setup.yml -u root -k -i hosts