
A monitor for Wanchain validator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tool to monitor Wanchain validator running status, including:

  • CPU Usage
  • Memory Usage
  • Disk Usage
  • Block Delay
  • Coinbase Balance
  • Prerequisites

    Install Node.js and npm.


    Download source code from github

    git clone https://github.com/wanchain/validator-monitor.git
    cd validator-monitor

    Install Dependencies

    Execute the command in the validator-monitor directory:

    npm install


    The configure file is named config.js, it contains several goups and items:

  • email group
  • item description
    smtpServer required
    smtpPort required
    secure required
    authUser required
    authPassword required
    receiver required

    All of above items are required, and should be set according to your email service provider. Please make sure that SMTP is enabled and authentication is correct.

  • gwan group
  • item description
    ipcPath required

    The monitor communicates with gwan via IPC, so ipcPath should be set according to the gwan startup parameters. The default path is /home/user/.wanchain/gwan.ipc. Please use the absolute path.

  • monitor group
  • item description
    diskName default is the root directory ("/"), could be changed if gwan uses another disk or partition
    reportName optional, used to identify different validators if you have more than one
    reportHour default is 10 o'clock, when to send daily report, based on the monitor server clock

  • threshold group
  • item description
    cpuUsage default is 80, in percentage
    memoryUsage default is 80, in percentage
    diskUsage default is 80, in percentage
    blockDelay default is 60, in seconds, equivalent to 12 blocks
    balance default is 1 WAN, used for gas of PoS transations

    How to Test

    Execute the command in the validator-monitor directory:

    npm run test

    It will check the email configuration. If correct, the receiver should receive an email with subject "Wanchain Validator Monitor".

    Start Monitor

    The validator-monitor is scheduled by crontab, you need to create a task:

    crontab -e

    Insert one line at the end of the opened file and save:

    */10 * * * * ~/validator-monitor/start.sh > ~/validator-monitor/validator-monitor.log 2>&1

    You can check the task with:

    crontab -l

    NOTE: please replace "~/validator-monitor" with your own validator-monitor path.


    Reports will be sent by email.

    If there is any alert, an email will be sent immediately, with subject:
    ALERT - Wanchain Validator Monitor

    Otherwise, a report email will be sent daily, with subject:
    NORMAL - Wanchain Validator Monitor


    IPC connect failed

    Make sure the gwan.ipc could be accessed with read and write permissions. Run the command:

    sudo chmod 766 gwan.ipc