

Damjan Miloshevski on behalf of 2Play Technologies Limited

Technical specifications

  • Framework
    • KTOR by JetBrains
  • Programming language
    • Kotlin
  • Database
    • MongoDB
    • Firebase Storage
  • Sports data fetched from: The SportsDB API


Hosted by Heroku

API Documentation

  • Coming soon


  1. Betting tips

    • @POST^ {{api_url}}/betting-tips Save betting tip (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tips Get betting tips
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tips/{id} Get betting tip by id
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tips/{sport}/upcoming Get upcoming tips by sport
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tips/{sport}/older Get older tips by sport
    • @PUT^ {{api_url}}/betting-tips Update betting tip (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @DELETE^ {{api_url}}/betting-tips/{id} Delete betting tip by id
    • @DELETE^ {{api_url}}/betting-tips Delete all betting tips
  2. Betting tickets

    • @POST^ {{api_url}}/betting-tickets Save betting ticket (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tickets Get betting tickets
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tickets/{id} Get betting ticket by id
    • @GET {{api_url}}/betting-tickets/search?date={date} Get ticket by date
    • @PUT^ {{api_url}}/betting-tickets Update betting tip (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @DELETE^ {{api_url}}/betting-tickets/{id} Delete betting tip by id
    • @DELETE^ {{api_url}}/betting-tickets Delete all betting tips
  3. Users

    • @POST {{api_url}}/users/signin Sign in user (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @POST {{api_url}}/users/register Register user (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @POST {{api_url}}/users/signout Signout a user (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @POST {{api_url}}/users/feedback Send a feedback (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @POST^ {{api_url}}/users/notifications/new-tips Send a push notification to a topic
    • @PUT^ {{api_url}}/users/{id}/change_password Change user's password (requires JSON object in the BODY)
    • @GET^ {{api_url}}/users Get all users
    • @GET^ {{api_url}}/users/{email} Get user by email
    • @GET {{api_url}}/users/verify/{id} Verify user (generated automatically after user registers)
    • @GET {{api_url}}/users/tokens/refresh-token/{refresh_token} Refresh user's token


^ - requires Bearer token (authenticated endpoint)


This API is public and available to be consumed.

Note: Some routes are authenticated and require a Bearer token to return data otherwise the response will be 401 Unauthorized. Please reach out to the developer for more details

The api can be consumed in the following url:



  1. Email: d.miloshevski@gmail.com
  2. Skype: damjan.milosevski
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Phone number (please request this in a private message via one of the above options)