
A simple Dropwizard bundle which exposes a version string as a Jersey resource under `/version`.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Version Info Bundle


VersionInfoBundle is a simple Dropwizard bundle which exposes a version string as a Jersey resource under /version.

Using the bundle

  1. Create a version.properties file that contains a productVersion key in the <project_dir>/src/main/resources/. It should look something like this:

    productVersion: <version>

    If the properties file cannot be read (for example, because of an incorrect path or an IO error), the bundle will throw a RuntimeException on construction. If the properties file can be read, but the productVersion key cannot be found, then the version will be "unknown".

  2. Add the com.palantir.versioninfo:dropwizard-version-info:<VERSION> dependency to your project's build.gradle file. The most recent version number can be found in the [Relase Notes] (https://github.com/palantir/dropwizard-version-info/releases). The dependencies section should look something like this:

    dependencies {
      // ... unrelated dependencies omitted ...
      compile "com.palantir.versioninfo:dropwizard-version-info:<VERSION>"
  3. Add the bundle in your Dropwizard application's initialize method (or create one if it doesn't already exist). It should look something like this:

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
        bootstrap.addBundle(new VersionInfoBundle());
  4. Run your server, then access <API_ROOT>/version. The <API_ROOT> is defined by the rootPath and applicationContextPath in your Dropwizard server configuration.

  5. If your application uses Feign to build clients, make sure your service interface extends VersionInfoService interface. The dependencies section for your -api project should look like this:

    dependencies {
      // ... unrelated dependencies omitted ...
      compile "com.palantir.versioninfo:dropwizard-version-info-api:<VERSION>"

    Your service interface should look like this:

    public interface ExampleService extends VersionInfoService {
        String hello();

Custom resource path

To load the version.properties file from somewhere else in the classpath, pass the path to it as an argument to the bundle's constructor:

public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
    bootstrap.addBundle(new VersionInfoBundle("/properties/info.properties"));

Generating product version from Git

To generate the product version from Git, use the Git-Version Gradle Plugin. You can use the write-version.gradle script to write the version from git into the version.properties file:

  1. In your build.gradle, include the write-version.gradle dependency:

    apply from: "${rootDir}/write-version.gradle"
  2. Set your compile task to depend on the generation of the version file:

    compileJava.dependsOn writeVersion
  3. Set your .gitignore to ignore changes to the version.properties file:
