
A minimal cross browser URL parser library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


URL Ninja

A minimal cross browser URL query string parser library.


Add the url-ninja.js file inside your project and include it using a <script> tag

<script src="url-ninja.min.js"></script>



To get all query parameters use the _url.get() method. This will return an object of query parameters key-value pairs.

const queryParams = _url.get();

To get a specific query, pass the parameter name.

const categoryId = _url.get("category_id");

You can also pass an array of parameters inside the get method.

const catInfo = _url.get(["category_id", "collection_id"]);

/*  will return

        category_id: 321
        collection_id: 12

You can also parse paramters as array.

For example, cars%5B%5D=Volvo&cars%5B%5D=Saab&cars%5B%5D=Mercedes this query string can be parsed to an array.

const cars = _url.get("cars"); // [Volvo, Saab, Mercedes]

cars=Volvo,Saab,Mercedes will also parse in to an array.

Use the getHash() method, if you want to get paramaters from location hash.

Note that location hash string must have a "?" before the start of parameters, just like in regular query strings.


You can set new query parameters by using the set() method.

_url.set("language", "PHP");

To set a hash query parameter, use the setHash() method.

_url.setHash("language", "PHP");

You can also set multiple parameters

  language: "PHP",
  frameworks: ["Laravel", "Symfony", "Codeigniter"]

// for hash parameters
const params = {
  language: "PHP",
  frameworks: ["Laravel", "Symfony", "Codeigniter"]

Note that, set will reload the page if the hash boolean is not passed. So if you are building an ajax based filters, use the hash parameters. On the other hand, hash parameters are not sent to the server. In that case, you will have to set the query parameters. I would suggest, either using hash or normal query parameters, but not both together.


The _url.has() method will return boolean, based on if the paramter exists in the URL. If an array is paased to this method, it will return an object.

const hasLocation = _url.has("location"); // true or false

const checkParams = _url.has(["name", "location"]); // { name: false, location: true }

Use the hasHash() method to check parameters in location hash string.


The _url.remove() method will remove the specified param from the URL.


_url.remove(["location", "cars"]);

Use the removeHash() to remove from param from location hash string.


_url.removeHash(["location", "cars"]);

If you have array based parameters, you can also remove a param with specific value.

For example, cars%5B%5D=Volvo&cars%5B%5D=Saab&cars%5B%5D=Mercedes for this query string if you want to remove the value "Saab".

_url.remove("cars", "Saab");

_url.removeHash("cars", "Saab"); // for hash parameter


The clear method will remove all query parameters from the URL.

_url.clear(); // will remove from location.search

_url.clearHash(); // will remove from location.hash


I work on E-commerce applications regularly. Often it includes fixing filters or adding new filters in the shop page. So, instead of reimplementing the core features, again and again, I decided to create this helper library to assist me in getting a headstart.