Sending Data with Fetch

Learning Goals

  • Use fetch() to send data to a remote host


If you think about it, fetch() is a little browser in your browser. You tell fetch() to go to a URL by passing it an argument e.g. fetch("") and it makes a network request. You can then chain calls to then(), where each call takes a callback function as argument and get the content out somewhere where we can edit it or see it.

This is a lot like browsing the web: you change the URL in the URL bar, or you follow a link and those actions tell the browser to go somewhere else and get the data. A technical way to describe that is: "The browser implements an HTTP GET to retrieve the content at a URL." It's also 100% technically correct to say "fetch() uses an HTTP GET to retrieve the content specified by a URL."

The browser also provides a helpful model for understanding what sending data from the browser looks like. We know this as an HTML form. Technically speaking, HTML forms "use an HTTP POST to send content gathered in <input> elements to a specified URL" It's also 100% technically correct to say "fetch() uses an HTTP POST to send content gathered in a JavaScript Object to a specified URL.

Our focus this lesson will be to learning how to emulate an HTML <form> with fetch().

Analyze Data Sent in an HTML Form

Let's take a look at a <form> (see sample_form.html in this repo):

<form action="" method="POST">
  <label> Dog Name: <input type="text" name="dogName" id="dogName" value="" /></label><br/>
  <label> Dog Breed: <input type="text" name="dogBreed" id="dogBreed" value="" /></label><br/>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />

The key components as far as sending data to the server are:

  • The destination URL as defined in the action attribute of the <form> tag
  • The HTTP verb to use as defined in the method attribute of the <form> tag
  • The key / value data about the inputs in the fields dogName and dogBreed

We should expect that our "mini-browser," fetch() will need those same bits of information in order to send data to the server. Let's place this data inside our form() skeleton.

Make POST Request using fetch()

The most basic fetch() call is slightly more complicated than we've seen to this point. It still takes a String representing the desintation URL as the first argument, as always. But now we see that fetch() can also take a JavaScript Object ({}) as the second argument. This Object can be given certain properties with certain values in order to change fetch()'s default behavior.

fetch(destinationURL, configurationObject)

To emulate the HTML form field example above, we fill out fetch() likes so:

fetch("" , {
  method: "POST",
  body: {
    "dogName": "Byron",
    "dogBreed": "Poodle"

Obviously, we don't have to define everything inside of one anonymous Object. We could also write (they're exactly the same!):

let formData = {
  "dogName": "Byron",
  "dogBreed": "Poodle"

let configObj = {
  method: "POST",
  body: formData

fetch("" , configObj)

Handling What Happens After

Just like when we use fetch() to retrieve (or, GET) data, we have to handle responses to fetch() sending data with a series of calls to then() which are given function callbacks.

Building on the previous implementation we might:

fetch("" , configObj)
  .then(function(response) {
    return response.text();
    if (response == "OK") {
      console.log("Added a new dog!");

When Things Go Wrong: Using catch()

When something goes wrong in a fetch() request, JavaScript will look down the chain of .then() calls for something very similar to a then() called a catch(). When something goes wrong in a fetch(), the next catch() is called so that error work can be performed. Let's imagine that someone makes a typo and changes the URL to be: "" instead of dog_logger. It's always a good idea to provide a catch() statement so that JavaScript doesn't fail silently. The code should look something like this:

fetch("" , configObj)
  .then(function(response) {
    return response.text()
    if (response == "OK") {
      console.log("Added a new dog!")
    alert("Bad things! Ragnarők!");
    return "This is an error message. There are many like it, but this one is
for log_dogger";


That's it!


In this lab, you need to satisfy the tests that will make sure your fetch() skills are ready to go.

Test 1

You need to write a fetch() requests that sends your first name as firstName and registryMessage to an API located at If you perform the request correctly, the server will respond with a JSON object that has a key called message. You should use then() calls to extract and, in the last callback, return the message value.

You should write this code inside the registerSelf() function.

Test 2

To practice returning errors from fetch() you should write a fetch() requests that sends your first name as firstName and registryMessage to an API located at This endpoint does not exist! However, we can define a .catch() call that will run its callback in the event that the server request fails (which it will). We should return the string ":(".

You should write this code inside the errorSelf() function.


Congratulations! You can now use fetch(): the browser inside your browser's JavaScript environment to both:

  • READ data using HTTP GET (whose response you can put into the DOM)
  • SEND data using HTTP POST (whose response you can put into the DOM)

With this we're ready to to stitch server updates (reads and updates) with DOM updating and event handling. We're almost ready to build the "Simple Looker" from scratch!