Forms And Basic Associations Rails Lab


  1. Practice building associations
  2. Practice building forms in erb

A song library

In this lab, we're going to make a song library. Our data model looks like this:

  • Artist
    • has a name (string)
    • has many songs
  • Song
    • has a title (string)
    • belongs to an Artist
    • belongs to a Genre
  • Genre
    • has a name (string)
    • has many songs
  • Note
    • has content (string)
    • belongs to a Song


The base models, controllers, and seed data have been provided for you, but the associations have not been wired up. Artists and genres have many songs. Songs belong to both and have many notes. Notes belong to songs.

  • Write app/views/songs/new.html.erb. This form should have:
    • A text input box that sets the song's title.
    • A text input box for the artist.
    • A selection box for genre. Users should be able to pick amongst existing genres only.
    • Several text input boxes to add notes to the song. These should have the IDs song_notes_1, song_notes_2, and so on for the specs to pass. (You might need to search around for how to pass an array using strong_params!) There are feature tests!

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