
A project demonstrating use of partial server side rendering using react and material-ui.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SpaceX Launch App (A FrontEnd application with partial SSR)

Deployed on heroku

  • URL - https://app-spacex-launch.herokuapp.com/
  • App Screenshots - app-screenshots folder in repository.

How to Run in local

Containerized environment (Pre-req -> docker and docker-compose should be installed in system)

  • Clone the repository
  • Run the following command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev up --build
  • open localhost:8000 in browser

In local env (Pre-req -> node and npm to be installed in system)

  • Clone the repository.
  • Run the command (install dependencies)
npm install
  • Run the command (serve the application)
npm run serve
  • open localhost:8000 in browser

  • Perform Lint Checks - npm run lint

Configured for CI

  • Gitlab CI (.gitlab-ci.yml)
  • Github Workflows

Tech Stack Used

  • ReactJS (Front end development library)
  • Node and Express (Server for performing server side rendering)
  • Material-UI (Styling and component design framework)
  • Docker and Docker-Compose (For containerization and deployment)
  • Gitlab CI and GIthub Workflows (For creating a CI pipeline for automation and quality checks)
  • NPM (Package Manager)
  • Heroku (deployment platform)
  • Ubuntu Platform for development
  • Git


  • First step was to identify what are the components of the views (parent, childs, siblings) and create a component design and hierarchy.
  • Create a service layer (api calls to fetch data) in order to implement facade design pattern and reusability of service code if in future new components might be requiring it.
  • Create appropriate folder structure and modules for implementing the view based on the components identified.
  • Identify workflows and functionality for which components would be responsible.
  • Setting up environment for development (Code editor, dependencies to enforce best practices while coding)
  • Coding for components and expected functionalities (along with proper lint checks).
  • Figure out how partial ssr can be implemented.
  • Implement partial ssr.
  • Implement containerization of application and deployment in a containerized environment.
  • Implementing CI/CD for automating integration and deployment of application.
  • Deploying on heroku

NOTE - Used public apis for powering application with data